Gianluca Perinotto, INU Lombardia, Giulia Fini, INU Giovani (Youth), Milan Polytechnic University

In continuity with the cycle of video-interviews with qualified experts in disciplines relating to the city and the territory and connected with town planning – produced by INU and available on the website – Urbanpromo proposes an in-depth meeting with the aim of reporting the elements of synthesis and the reflections that came out of the multidisciplinary dialogues.
The experts will summarize their reflections on the two themes that substantiated the initiative and the development of the interviews. They will present the elements for understanding the urban and settlement phenomena that came out and are most relevant considering the pandemic crisis and, at the same time, looking to the future. It will also be discussed what “intelligence” in the proactive sense cities and their government, planning and design can provide.


Introduction greetings:
Francesco Domenico Moccia, INU General Secretary

Work schedule and presentation of the “City intelligence ” project
Giulia Fini
, INU Lombardia and Milan Polytechnic University

The themes of the project: working lines, interdisciplinarity and open discussions
Angelo Monti, INU Lombardia

Round table – Part 1

Antonio Accetturo, Direttore del Dipartimento di Ricerche economiche, Banca d’Italia
Francesco Cavalli Sforza, Studioso dell’evoluzione umana, autore e regista
Riccardo Santolini, Biologo e Ricercatore di Ecologia, Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
* La presenza di ulteriori intervistati del progetto “L’intelligenza della città” è da confermare

Per la lista completa degli intervistati si veda:

Tavola rotonda – Seconda parte

Luca Imberti, INU Lombardia
Luciano Lussignoli, INU Lombardia
Gianluca Perinotto, INU Lombardia
Ugo Targetti, INU Lombardia

Debate with guests, audience and INU Giovani (Youth) representatives

Conclusions and working perspectives
Marco Engel
, INU Lombardia President
