The General Urban Plan (PUG) of the Municipality of Bologna

Bologna is the first Municipality in the Emilia-Romagna Region to have approved the General Urban Plan (PUG), as required by Regional Law 24/2017. The new PUG of the Municipality of Bologna was finally approved on July 26, 2021 and entered into force on September 29, 2021.

The Plan took up two challenges, the one of innovation and the one of continuity in relation to previously approved tools.
The objectives identified are 3. The first is “Resilience and Environment”, that is, ensuring health and welfare to those who inhabit the city today and those who will inhabit it tomorrow, minimizing risks to…


Gianluca Perinotto, INU Lombardia, Giulia Fini, INU Giovani (Youth), Milan Polytechnic University

In continuity with the cycle of video-interviews with qualified experts in disciplines relating to the city and the territory and connected with town planning – produced by INU and available on the website – Urbanpromo proposes an in-depth meeting with the aim of reporting the elements of synthesis and the reflections that came out of the multidisciplinary dialogues.
The experts will summarize their reflections on the two themes that substantiated the initiative and the development of the interviews. They will present the elements for understanding the urban…