Sandra Vecchietti, INU Emilia-Romagna

Soil consumption containment and urban regeneration are the two general strategies that Regional Law 24/2017 assigns to the General Urban Plan (PUG). The identification of a transitional period during which municipalities would have to adapt their urban planning tools to the new law led to the start of the elaboration of numerous PUGs, which develop the new contents defined in the law.

The strategic dimension, largely developed within the Plan, defines in the Strategy for urban and ecological-environmental quality, the policies, objectives and actions to be pursued in the PUG; it allows to guide urban development ensuring coherence between interventions and other territorial policies, and defines the design of the future public and private city, the reference of every transformation.

The public city project is one of the most innovative and qualifying contents of the new Plan. It is characterised by: the transcalarity of the equipment that goes from the proximity dimension to the urban-territorial dimension; a wider range of typologies that include not only social housing, but also interventions aimed at a better urban comfort (ecological and environmental equipment), at the reduction of risks ( coastal alluvial, fluvial and pluvial), at the mitigation and adaptation to climate change; but also the multi-functionality that it can assume, meaning that an equipment can perform more functions.

The seminar intends to discuss these issues, analyzing how they have been approached and developed in various cases.


Sandra Vecchietti, INU Emilia-Romagna

Patrizia Gabellini, Milan Polytechnic University

“The Strategy for urban and ecological-environmental quality in the PUG (Urban General Plan) of Reggio-Emilia”
Alex Pratissoli, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Regeneration and Broad Area, with responsibility for Urban Regeneration and Strategic Plan, Broad Area Policies, Infrastructure, Municipality of Reggio-Emilia

“Objectives, strategies and actions: the new PUG (Urban General Plan) to govern Bologna”
Francesco Evangelisti, Manager of Plan Office – Department of Urban Planning, Housing and Environment, Municipality of Bologna

“The challenges of the new urban plan of Cesena-Montiano”
Cristina Mazzoni, Councillor for Urban Planning and Regeneration, Municipality of Cesena

“The strategy of the PUG (Urban General Plan) of Modena: the urban dimension and the scale of proximity of the districts”
Maria Sergio, Head of Urban Planning and Sustainability Sector, Municipality of Modena

“Territorial equipment and resilience in the PUG (Urban General Plan) of Ravenna”
Carlo Gasparrini, Scientific Coordinator of the WYP of Ravenna; Professor of Urban Planning, University of Naples ‘Federico II’

