The strategy of the Modena PUG (General Urban Plan): the urban dimension and the proximity scale of the quarters (“rioni”)

The long analytical process that led to the construction of the knowledge framework of the territory for the WYP of Modena took place before the Covid-19 emergency radically changed the social, economic and urban balances, driving us towards “a new normality”. It is important to point out, however, that the main nodes that emerged during the cognitive framework, territorial and environmental fragility, the balance between the built city and the environment, social and welfare needs, and economic complexities have been confirmed and accentuated by the pandemic.

For Modena, and not only, the theme of territorial resilience is now more central…

Territorial regeneration for the metropolitan area of Bologna

There are three proposals submitted by the metropolitan city of Bologna to the National Innovative Program for the Quality of Living (PINQUA) and admitted to funding for about € 45 million, developed on the territory of three Unions of Municipalities for a total of 27 interventions, between the flatlands and the Apennines. The proposals are linked by a unitary metropolitan strategy built around a broad definition of the concepts of housing and regeneration that enhances the territorial and metropolitan dimension, allowing to decline a concept of ‘periphery’ not limited to large urban areas, but which, on the contrary, includes…


Francesca Abastante, Marta Bottero, Chiara D’Alpaos, Fabiana Forte, SIEV

In recent years, the European Union has launched a series of strategies to deal with climate change and environmental degradation. The most recent European Green Deal aims to make the European economy sustainable through a full transition to a green economy, investing in actions to stimulate resource efficiency, halt climate change, reduce pollution and biodiversity loss. The recent pandemic has further contributed to accelerate the transition towards economic models with better environmental and social sustainability and to catalyze the various processes already underway. This is the background to the recently…