Roberta Capuis, Head of the Urban Planning and Regeneration Sector of Confcommercio-Imprese per l’Italia

The European Union has always supported the development of urban areas as engines of change to achieve a new era of environmental respect, resilience and inclusiveness, and is doing even more during this dramatic crisis so that the pandemic can become an opportunity to improve the quality of life of citizens and the activities of entrepreneurs.

The new European Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 offers territories the opportunity to define and directly manage urban regeneration projects and actions for the economic, social and environmental regeneration of cities, including…

PINQua: the projects of the National Innovative Housing Quality Program

Stefano Stanghellini, honorary President INU

In the framework of urban regeneration and public-private partnership, Urbanpromo presents the projects that stand out in the national panorama for the strong innovative character of their approaches and contents.
The initiative is configured as an important opportunity for presentation and discussion on PINQua: the projects of the National Innovative Housing Quality Program. Among the proposals eligible for state funding, a selection of projects will be presented that pursue urban regeneration, reduce housing poverty and promote social inclusion. The comparative analysis aims to highlight and enhance the specific content of each, the possibilities for integration…