The challenges of the new urban plan of Cesena-Montiano

The municipalities of Cesena – 98,000 inhabitants – and Montiano – 1700 inhabitants – face in synergy the experience of the new planning by approaching transversal themes that underlie the five axes of the strategy:

  • addressing the climate and environmental challenge;
  • making the city attractive
  • regenerating and requalifying the city;
  • living the neighborhoods and fractions;
  • enhancing the places and landscapes of production.

The strategic component of the inter-municipal plan aims to guide urban development by interacting with other territorial and urban policies. The strategy has been developed starting from a diagnostic cognitive framework, synthesized through a swot analysis and spatialized…

The General Urban Plan (PUG) of the Municipality of Bologna

Bologna is the first Municipality in the Emilia-Romagna Region to have approved the General Urban Plan (PUG), as required by Regional Law 24/2017. The new PUG of the Municipality of Bologna was finally approved on July 26, 2021 and entered into force on September 29, 2021.

The Plan took up two challenges, the one of innovation and the one of continuity in relation to previously approved tools.
The objectives identified are 3. The first is “Resilience and Environment”, that is, ensuring health and welfare to those who inhabit the city today and those who will inhabit it tomorrow, minimizing risks to…

The strategy of the Modena PUG (General Urban Plan): the urban dimension and the proximity scale of the quarters (“rioni”)

The long analytical process that led to the construction of the knowledge framework of the territory for the WYP of Modena took place before the Covid-19 emergency radically changed the social, economic and urban balances, driving us towards “a new normality”. It is important to point out, however, that the main nodes that emerged during the cognitive framework, territorial and environmental fragility, the balance between the built city and the environment, social and welfare needs, and economic complexities have been confirmed and accentuated by the pandemic.

For Modena, and not only, the theme of territorial resilience is now more central…


Sandra Vecchietti, INU Emilia-Romagna

Soil consumption containment and urban regeneration are the two general strategies that Regional Law 24/2017 assigns to the General Urban Plan (PUG). The identification of a transitional period during which municipalities would have to adapt their urban planning tools to the new law led to the start of the elaboration of numerous PUGs, which develop the new contents defined in the law.

The strategic dimension, largely developed within the Plan, defines in the Strategy for urban and ecological-environmental quality, the policies, objectives and actions to be pursued in the PUG; it allows to guide urban development ensuring…


From the analysis of the context, the strengths and weaknesses of the city and its community, the objectives of the General Urban Plan (PUG) of Reggio Emilia have been defined in order to align with the 2030 agenda towards a greater quality and sustainability of life.

The plan has two goals: urban regeneration, conceived as the only opportunity to develop and innovate the city, definitively separating the duality of development and consumption that characterized the period of the building and demographic boom, and the care of the city and the community, through the requalification of existing facilities, to make them…