The challenges of the new urban plan of Cesena-Montiano

The municipalities of Cesena – 98,000 inhabitants – and Montiano – 1700 inhabitants – face in synergy the experience of the new planning by approaching transversal themes that underlie the five axes of the strategy:

  • addressing the climate and environmental challenge;
  • making the city attractive
  • regenerating and requalifying the city;
  • living the neighborhoods and fractions;
  • enhancing the places and landscapes of production.

The strategic component of the inter-municipal plan aims to guide urban development by interacting with other territorial and urban policies. The strategy has been developed starting from a diagnostic cognitive framework, synthesized through a swot analysis and spatialized…


Sandra Vecchietti, INU Emilia-Romagna

Soil consumption containment and urban regeneration are the two general strategies that Regional Law 24/2017 assigns to the General Urban Plan (PUG). The identification of a transitional period during which municipalities would have to adapt their urban planning tools to the new law led to the start of the elaboration of numerous PUGs, which develop the new contents defined in the law.

The strategic dimension, largely developed within the Plan, defines in the Strategy for urban and ecological-environmental quality, the policies, objectives and actions to be pursued in the PUG; it allows to guide urban development ensuring…


Alessandro Bruni, Iginio Rossi, INU – URBIT

INU, National Institute of Urban Planning, URBIT, Italian Urban Planning, and the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa, which provides the prize money of € 5,000, with the collaboration of MIC, CNR and Cerpa Italia Onlus have established the “Accessible Cities for All Award” for innovative master’s theses and research and studies developed in Italy and abroad on issues of accessibility at 360° carried out between 1.04.2020 and 30.09.2021.

The focus of the call is on urban areas (historical centres, suburbs, public spaces, buildings) and on the wider area (cities, rural areas, territories). Consideration is…


Valeria Lingua, University of Florence, Iole Piscolla, Città del Vino (Cities of Wine) National Association

The current pandemic has highlighted the role that the countryside and agricultural areas play in the overall system of well-being of the city and its citizens. However, it has also activated new imaginaries of life in the countryside, projected towards an environment far from the chaos of the city and the danger of contagion.

Imaginaries that clash with the reality of the modern countryside and of those who daily live in it and carry out their entrepreneurial activities. Today’s farmers are entrepreneurs who are often university…


Denis Maragno, Gianfranco Pozzer, Università Iuav di Venezia

In 2012, the “Smart Cities and Communities European Innovation Partnership” initiative was launched by the European Commission to encourage investment in urban areas in order to support projects in the field of sustainability and digital transition. In the last few years there have been many experiences of Territorial Government that find in the field of new information technologies tools and approaches oriented to promote energy transition, sustainable mobility, integration of services and emergency management. Recently, with the health emergency due to Covid-19, the transition has accelerated, further opening up to new…


Paola Di Biagi, University of Trieste

The discussion and reflection initiatives for the 90th anniversary of the National Institute of Urban Planning are enriched by a series of themed Events dedicated to relevant urban planners.
The pairings have been constructed considering roles, commonality/opposition of interests and/or political/cultural approaches and, of course, with reference to the particular relationship established with INU. This is the third of five Study Meetings in webinar format.


Introduces and coordinates:
Paola Di Biagi, University of Trieste

Lectures by:
Claudia Mattogno, Sapienza University of Rome
Angioletta Voghera, Politecnico of Turin

Annalisa Metta, Roma Tre University
Cristina Renzoni, Polytechnic of Milan


Matelda Reho, Giulia Lucertini, Università Iuav di Venezia

The debate on urban food strategies is increasingly active, and there have been numerous meetings, especially in recent months, to discuss the topic. This is because we are currently in a more mature phase, in which it is possible to formulate evaluations and dissolve some of the knots related to the governance of the ongoing processes, to the institutionalization of tested forms of action. In this context, spatial planning seems to be absent, at least specifically in our country.

The discussion space made available by Urban Promo and the concomitant celebration of…


Valeria Saiu, Claudia Trillo, INU – URBIT

The UPhD GREEN conference is focused on researches carried out within the framework of PhD programs that investigate the issue of sustainable development, referring to spatial planning and urban environment design. The fourth edition of the conference proposes a reflection on the socio-ecological transition, also in the light of policies and measures such as the Just Transition Found of the European Union and the Dasgupta Review promoted by the British government. They bring to attention the strong mutual influence between ecosystem processes and socio-economic activities. la forte reciproca influenza tra processi ecosistemici…