In Altamura, since the Second World War, a utilitarian approach to the territory and its resources has been affirmed, an intensive consumption of soil, indifferent to the problems of landscape protection and sustainability of transformations.

The fatigue and congestion of the consolidated city, unable to respond to expectations related to new economic models and quality of life, has determined, specularly, the transfer to the suburban areas.

The PINQUA strategy, called QuIDD (Innovative Neighborhoods Data Driven-Pinqua Extramura, Pinqua Selva and Pinqua Carpentino.), aims to recover a systemic vision of development initiated by the Administration in recent years with the integration of…

Integrated Territorial Intervention – ITI of the City of Ancona: the implementation of the strategy of regeneration of the Waterfront of the city

Within the framework of EU rules and the Partnership Agreement, the Marche Region has identified ITIs-Integrated Territorial Investments as the most appropriate tool to support integrated actions, financed by the POR FESR 2014-20, able to maximize impacts and effects in urban areas.

The Municipality of Ancona, in coherence with the themes emerged from the Strategic Plan of the City- StrategicAncona2025, has identified the Ancona 3.0 Waterfront ITI program as a tool to implement a process of Urban Regeneration focused on the waterfront of the historic port, aimed at transforming Ancona from a city by the sea to a contemporary sea…

The new Waterfront of Genova East coast

Almost 30 years after the regeneration of the Ancient Port, which led to the tourist rediscovery of the city, Renzo Piano offers Genoa the Masterplan.

With the Waterfront of the East, Genoa takes a new step towards urban regeneration. The intervention will be completed in 2023, will cover 115,000 square meters and will regenerate the area of the former Fair through the water (Port-Canal), the green (“Parco della Foce”) and the “urban beach”.

With a “Nearly Zero Energy Building” approach, the dialectic between the Port and the City will be addressed by working on the viability and also regenerating an important…


Lombardy Region has nominated a pilot project “Gratosoglio 2.0 Sustainable Strategies for a large public district” (52,326 mln euro) and 2 urban regeneration projects: Milan, Mazzini District (admitted with reserve, 15 mln euro) and Varese, Montello District and Pavia, former Slaughterhouse Area (14,505 mln euro)


MILANO, Gratosoglio District

“Lombardy Region has nominated a pilot project “Gratosoglio” is the title that identifies the Pilot Project that Regione Lombardia has presented within the PINQuA call for proposals.
Gratosoglio is a peripheral area, at the southern border of the city, but it is also an important neighborhood at the entrance of the city, in the…


A space of 12,000 square metres entirely redeveloped by Fondazione CRT in an innovative way, to provide it with the best environmental sustainability standards and technological security –including a Tier III certified data processing centre, one of the highest in Europe.
Focused on Tech and on some verticals of excellence such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, OGR Tech hosts 4 different actors, with a view to positive “contamination” for the creation of an Italian innovation ecosystem:

  1. startups, scaleups and accelerators of major global companies such as Techstars, based in Colorado, to support the growth of the territory and create “bridges”…


The social and urban transformations taking place – with the PinQUA and PNRR national programs and plans, need to innovate their conventional framework. The experience of the Carroceto Urbanization Consortium and the City of Aprilia (LT), currently being implemented, offers a framework of services updated to the new uses of the city and its living.

The City for All Ages aims to put in place, towards the near future, a multipurpose plexus of public and private services, which focuses on global accessibility, sustainable mobility, the quality of living and life of citizens of different ages, from the youngest to the…

Lamezia Space-Generation 2021

Lamezia Spazio-Generazione 2021is the project of the city of Lamezia Terme and its districts that, through the construction of an innovative participatory path/process/project, promotes a new way of living the territory in the post-pandemic era. Not only interventions to improve the building heritage but virtuous transformations with the person at the center and his need-right to live in an urban space of quality, involving the socio-economic and physical-spatial assets of contemporary living.  With a dynamic and multidisciplinary approach, open, inclusive and strongly participatory, the project manages to re-think the new peripheries of the territory as new aggregating centers of…

LOC – Loreto Open Community: the spirit of the Milan of the future in the new vision of Nhood real estate

LOC – Loreto Open Community is the project that won the international call C40 Reinventing Cities for the urban regeneration of Piazzale Loreto in Milan with a team led by the company Nhood as investor and developer.

Nhood Services Italy S.p.A. is one of the main actors in the real estate industry in Italy specializing in urban redevelopment, as well as an important player in the commercial sector, which is part of AFM (Association Familiale Mulliez). Founded in 2021, it is a new company specialized in real estate consulting and services that develops new neighborhoods and mixed-use living places on…

The Rings of Milan

Sportium, the Italian company that brings together all the competencies of MANICA Architecture and Project CMR for the realization of sports facilities of excellence at a global level, presented in 2019 the master plan for the realization of “The Rings of Milan”, the area where the new stadium of the city will be built. Recently, the Stadium has been included among the works of public interest of Milan.

Two rings representing the fans of Inter and Milan, a hi-tech facility that breathes, with facades marked by images of the faces of 16,000 fans and an appearance that changes according to…

Cesena Social Housing

Located in the historic center of Cesena, Palazzo Roverella historically represents a place not permeable with the external context, despite being crossed by passages and access doors that connect the public streets and has a central position and barycentric to the system of squares and functions of urban rank. Its historical function, settled in the memory of the city – shelter for the elderly, the “vecchioni” – makes it a place perceived as marginal, closed within itself, not connected with the surrounding urban system. Its centrality, however, is the added value to be able to build a strategy of…