Lamezia Spazio-Generazione 2021is the project of the city of Lamezia Terme and its districts that, through the construction of an innovative participatory path/process/project, promotes a new way of living the territory in the post-pandemic era. Not only interventions to improve the building heritage but virtuous transformations with the person at the center and his need-right to live in an urban space of quality, involving the socio-economic and physical-spatial assets of contemporary living.  With a dynamic and multidisciplinary approach, open, inclusive and strongly participatory, the project manages to re-think the new peripheries of the territory as new aggregating centers of resilience, creating a functional and cohesive urban fabric.

Lamezia Spazio-Generazione 2021was conceived and realized with an innovative process of planning and design through the spontaneous and extraordinary commitment of a group of 30 local professionals. An agile process started from the bottom, based on the choice of the most problematic territorial areas and with the assignment of the planning to a defined group of professionals for each area of intervention. Each group has carried out a series of specific meetings on the territory, with representatives of citizens and organizations. All this allowed for greater efficiency in the design phase and greater effectiveness in achieving the goal of presenting the pilot project on time.

The inclusion of innovative solutions for the recovery and enhancement of private and public housing for social purposes for specific targets of fragility, the re-functionalization and recovery of identity places and open spaces with historical and cultural paths digitized, together with interventions of sustainable mobility, improving accessibility and safety of road paths between the neighborhoods of the historic center and suburbs, generate that added value to the project capable of creating horizons of sharing and collaboration.

The project takes into consideration the 6 territorial areas on which are concentrated the major problems related to the housing emergency and urban and social decay, declined on 16 interventions including an intervention of territorial reconnection and sustainable mobility represented by the Bikeway of 51 km that concerns the entire municipal territory.

The project was ranked 5th nationally out of 290 proposals received and was selected as one of the 8 “high performance” pilot projects among the 159 projects admitted to the ranking, with the city of Lamezia Terme and other cities in the South as protagonists of the new season of renewal.