404: Not Found Inhabiting the regeneration. Project MAS (Mosaic Solidarity Housing) – Edizione 2021 – EN

Regeneration, Sustainability and Inclusion. These are the essential points that summarize the lines of intervention of the public social housing project of the City of Parma MAS (Mosaic Housing Solidarity) admitted to funding within the framework of the ministerial competition PINQuA – Integrated Program for the Quality of Living, included in the PNRR. The project adopts a differentiated design, developed by the design company Policreo Srl and implemented through various public entities (Parma Infrastrutture Spa, A.S.P. Ad Personam and ACER Parma), in which urban regeneration and housing quality play a key role, as well as the conversion of buildings to greater energy efficiency and new forms of social housing, transforming intervention strategies from housing policies to living policies.

The project aims to give a new centrality to the quadrant “Villa Parma” in the Molinetto District, by implementing a logic of regenerative urban polycentrism, in which the addition of new urban and social polarities acts as a catalyst for the strengthening of social capital, with great attention to the collective fragility and accessibility of places.

The project aims at the configuration of a new and articulated urban area open to the city, thanks to the reconfiguration of several public buildings that will offer accommodations for rent: the “MAS1 – Mix House“, with the experimentation of a model of mutual solidarity neighborhood combined with an articulated housing mix, the “MAS2 – Senior Court“, a housing solution dedicated to people of the third age self-sufficient, the “MAS3 – Acer House“, where the interventions of energy improvement of erp buildings are combined with a strategy of strengthening the tools of self-management.

The new urban area will be connected to the city thanks to the “Intergenerational Park Villa Parma“, a real green connective tissue with a multipurpose exhibition space with a cafe, and enhanced by an “Advanced Energy Pole” connected to an innovative district heating network, capable of ensuring greater environmental sustainability to the entire urban quadrant, which will be fully certified through the voluntary adoption of the new sustainability rating “Protocol GBC Neighborhoods“, developed by Green Building Council Italy.

Mosaico Abitativo Solidale is a laboratory for new urban qualities, the result of an integrated, open and inclusive approach of the Municipality of Parma, supported by the presence of public and third sector actors rooted in the territory, which intends to place on the same level urban, social and environmental regeneration.