Regenerating 11 hectares of territory in the heart of a historic city like Pavia means facing a very complex process in which it is necessary to put together the most diverse requests: from those of the stakeholders (whether these are the local authorities or those responsible for environmental protection), to those of associations and citizens, to those of the market. But regenerating 11 hectares of territory also allows to recover an important part of the city, what was once the location of the former Necchi, where about 7000 people from Pavia worked.

Functional mix, connections both at metropolitan and local level, environmental quality, recovery of the memory of the places, attention to the use of resources, commitment to the issues of adaptation to climate change, reconnection with the Naviglio and the surrounding context, beauty are the key words that guide the project Supernova.

Regenerating abandoned areas of this size means collaboration and constant dialogue between all public and private stakeholders, because this is the only way to create value for the city and initiate the “INNESCO” effect that must characterize every process of urban regeneration.

The quality of settlement, the high environmental performance of buildings and open spaces, the sustainable mobility, the connections with Milan, the center, the Policlinic and the University and, finally, the coexistence of residential, tertiary, receptive, commercial activities, but also for sports and entertainment, will make this new district alive and accessible to the whole community.
We have reached the halfway point: the waste has been disposed , the reclamation has begun, the listening and involvement of the authorities and the territory is ongoing, the project is becoming more tangible.