Urbanpromo 2021, taking place at MEET – Digital Culture Center, Fondazione Cariplo from November 16 to 19, dedicates the first two days to the great theme of social housing. “Urbanpromo Social Housing” is the specialized edition of the event for the promotion of which Fondazione Cariplo, FHS, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and Fondazione Sviluppo e crescita CRT have associated with INU. CDP Immobiliare SGR takes part in the realization of the event.

The social housing system, in Italy as in Europe, has been, and still is, the precursor of the orientation of the ways of living in contemporary society, both in terms of contractual forms and in the development of services for the inhabitants. The biennium 2020 – 2021 has amply highlighted the positive impact of resilient and organized communities on the territory, at a time when support networks have been essential to help the population.
The need to increasingly integrate the supply of services in the area has emerged clearly, to the point of directing the design choices of private developers in the direction of integrated community services. Services successfully tested over the years by affordable housing systems, and now proposed for residential environments in the open market.

The complex world of actors that animate social housing is therefore invited to meet again in presence in Milan, at MEET Cariplo, on November 16th and 17th.
The general framework is “Social Housing: activator of new ways of living and urban regeneration” developed in four main themes:

  • Community building in social housing interventions.
  • The development of partnerships between the public, private for-profit and non-profit sectors in urban regeneration programs with affordable housing projects.
  • The efficient and effective use of PNRR (Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan) financial resources and other available public resources.
  • The development of digital services to improve the quality of housing.

Urbanpromo Social Housing proposes plenary sessions on focus topics, in the morning, and working tables for reflection and discussion, in the afternoon. Urbanpromo takes place also in streaming, in order to allow the widest participation and sharing of content, in the frame of MEET – Digital Culture Center, physical and virtual space of production and dissemination of events, exhibitions, masterclasses and digital experiences for the Lombardy and national territory.