The Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation supported the construction of 2 new social housing structures in Turin with a total grant of € 895,000.

Both initiatives are characterised by a social and functional mix and aim simultaneously at meeting housing needs, urban regeneration and the social revitalisation of the local context. They are configured as territorial hubs involving the context’s resources and citizens, promoting an open and inclusive community, regenerating structures and territory, offering opportunities and spaces for meeting, positive and regenerative relations, cultural, aggregative, educational and sports activities in areas of the city in need of urban animation.

Ma.Ri. House is a temporary residence located in the Parella neighbourhood in Turin for students, workers and families, with particular attention to conditions of social vulnerability and the grey area, promoted by the association Insieme per Accogliere Onlus and managed by the Cooperativa Sociale Synergica. The structure, surrounded by 5,000 square metres of green area, is not only a residence for social housing, but also a place that is complementary and osmotic to the territory of which it is a part and that aspires to increase the quality of individual and collective life through services and opportunities for citizenship. Ma.Ri. House has single or double rooms, furnished and with bathroom, to accommodate up to 65 people, as well as common areas reserved for guests. The residence is scheduled to open in June 2021 (info on

Cascina Filanda is an intervention of recovery and re-functionalisation of an abandoned building in the Borgata Rosa district of Turin, at the entrance of the Meisino Park, with the intention of activating a territorial hub that involves the resources of the context by promoting an open and inclusive community.

The residence, managed by Co-abitare impresa sociale, consists of 15 studios, 14 double rooms and 1 lodging for the caretaker, accommodating a total of 58 people, as well as common areas for cultural and aggregative activities, services for guests and for the neighbourhood, and an outdoor area of approximately 3,000 square metres.

The social mix, consisting of people with housing problems, city users and occasional visitors, is flanked by a functional mix of social housing, tourist accommodation, seminar and meeting room rentals, and services open to citizens. The residence is scheduled to open at the end of 2021 (info on