Curated by

Paolo Galuzzi, Director of URBANISTICA
Iginio Rossi, Coordinator “Città accessibili a tutti”, INU

Accessibility for all is a complex area that, since it refers to fundamental values of humanity, affects the quality of people’s lives and, inevitably, the quality of places; it is a constitutional right-duty, described in Article Three of the Constitution, and a universal one, treated in Law 18 of 2009, adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of 2006. It turns out to be very akin to the concept of freedom by allowing levels of mobility, relational choices, urban enjoyment, and life perspectives appropriate to the inequalities of people but also of cities and territories. On this fundamentals are contextualized the commitments for the inclusive city aligned with the goals of the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Agenda.

The National Institute of Urban Planning – INU, together with important entities listed in the Atlas of Accessible Cities (, has been developing “Accessible Cities for All” since 2016 within the Progetto paese, a working vision but also a collaborative space on directions, experiences and perspectives. During the XXX Congress, April 2019, the Guidelines for Integrated Policies Accessible Cities for All were proposed and the 2019-2022 program “Covenant for Urbanism Accessible Cities for All” was launched through the experimentation to which the cities of Ancona, Genoa, Livorno, Mantua, Reggio Emilia, Spello, Taranto, and Udine participate.

On the relations-connections that these issues have with the planning system, the issue no. 164 of URBANISTICA welcomes an exhaustive investigation. The contributions, from heterogeneous viewpoints, despite having been written prior to the Covid-19 health emergency, proposes visions and approaches on cities accessible to all updated to the transformations that have later occurred.


Introduction and coordination:
Paolo Galuzzi, Director of URBANISTICA

Iginio Rossi, Coordinator “Città accessibili a tutti”, INU
Alessandro Bruni, Coordinator “Città accessibili a tutti”, INU
Giampiero Griffo, Coordinator of the technical and scientific committee of the National Observatory on the Condition of Persons with Disabilities
