Iginio Rossi and Francesco Sbetti, INU – URBIT

As they move from the planning to the implementation phases, active mobility networks bring the issues of quality of life and well-being into the cultural context of reference, particularly in areas as articulated and complex as those that characterise cities. Besides contributing to infrastructural sustainability, urban enhancement and the promotion of tourism that is more respectful of the environment, landscape, local economy and place identity, cycling and walking take on the role of interpreters of an ecological transition that is not yet clearly defined. The actions provoked rebalance mobility by innovating people’s relationships, regenerate public spaces by pushing for the revision of urban planning standards, and by using participation to involve communities and people by fostering an increase in social inclusion and the construction of a shared vision.
In this dimension, the cultural path jumps from the specialised and sectorial sphere, in which the same legislative provisions have contributed to placing planning and the tools of active mobility, to a deeper one akin to the new philosophies that by looking at the processes of the city that cares open the same general planning to multidisciplinary and integrated contaminations making it more socially useful.
Through the illustration of experiences concerning policies, plans and projects, it is proposed to contribute to the indication of fixed points useful for process innovation concerning active mobility networks in order to achieve increasingly efficient levels of urban well-being. Furthermore, in order to underline the importance of a direct knowledge of cycling-territory relations, the conference will present the synthesis of a group “pedal ride” (along an itinerary connecting Cascina Fossata to the green areas of Stura di Lanzo) carried out on Tuesday 11 October, 2.30-4.30 p.m., in collaboration with FIAB Torino Bike Pride. Participation in the ride is free and open to a maximum of 30 people upon registration. The pedal ride, organised by Carolina Giaimo (INU – URBIT) and Benedetta Giudice (INU Giovani Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta coordinator), intends to explore “live” the themes of health and urban and environmental wellbeing.

2:00 p.m. hall entrance

2:30 p.m. start of proceedings


Introduction and coordination by:
Iginio Rossi, INU and Francesco Sbetti, INU


“Active mobility networks, an opportunity for innovation in urban standards”.
Carolina Giaimo, Politecnico di Torino

“Cultural evolution of urban cycling in Turin”.
Elisa Gallo, FIAB Torino Bike Pride

“Bicycle mobility, urban well-being and environmental enhancement: synthesis of group cycling”.
Benedetta Giudice, INU Giovani Piemonte

“Integrated and sustainable mobility for urban quality in Bolzano”.
Stefano Fattor, Councillor for Mobility, Comune di Bolzano

“Public Spaces for Relations and Mobility in Giulianova” Giampiero Di Candido, Councillor for Mobility, Municipality of Giulianova
Giampiero Di Candido, Councillor for Active Mobility, Roads and Transport, Comune di Giulianova

“Thematic walks to explore, tell and celebrate the city’s neighbourhoods”.
Roberta Calcina, INU Giovani and Jane’s Walk Italy

“Archaeological networks design pedestrian networks for urban enhancement”.
Rosario Pavia, INU – URBIT, University of Chieti-Pescara

“Towards the atlas of soft mobility in Italy”
Giulio Senes, University of Milan and AMODO

Debate and conclusions
