Curated by
Prof. Francesco Domenico Moccia

In “Ecopolis Vision Region 2050 (Inu Edizioni’s Accademia series, pg.160), authored by Sandro Fabbro professor of Urban Planning at the University of Udine and INU executive, with a foreword by Francesco Domenico Moccia and a photo dossier by landscape researcher Moreno Baccichet, an urban planning proposal aimed at solving the conflict between capitalism and the environment is developed.
Based on the principles of the Regional Planning Association of America school of the 1920s, such a proposal is named “Ecopoli.” This is because the ultimate meaning of the model is the “reconstruction,” after the “perfect storm” produced together by the pandemic, the economic crisis that began in 2008 and the permanent climate crisis from global warming, of places and systems of living, working and moving. These are meant as areas from which an alternative to the only urban model that is successful today, which is the metropolitan model (particularly in its extreme “megalopolitan” form) can arise.

Such a reconstruction appears to Fabbro to be possible today thanks to the integration of powerful “drivers” such as: the political one that integrates the macro scale of Europe with the micro scale of territorial government; and the one of territorial justice interpreted in terms of rebalancing between societies and ecosystems; that of reorganization to the times and spaces of the city and the region to make the local contexts of associated life more humane and attractive; that of energy, which integrates clean energies -and new ways of producing and distributing them-, with digital technologies; and, last but not least, that of social, consisting of more cohesive and self-propulsive communities. The model is applied, as a “vision” to 2050, relying also on the “ecological transition” initiated with the European Green Deal -to the territory of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, which, of ecopoli, already possesses some characteristics. There is also a proposal for its “institutionalization,” within the Italian political-institutional order-as an “Ecopolitan Area”-in place of the current Provinces and an addition to the existing “Metropolitan Cities.”


Introduction and coordination:
Prof. Francesco Domenico Moccia, INU Secretary

Piero Mauro Zanin, President of the Regional Council of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Prof.ssa Patrizia Gabellini, Honorary Professor Politecnico di Milano
Prof. Elio Piroddi, Professor of Urban Planning at Università di Roma La Sapienza

Prof. Sandro Fabbro, Professor of Urban Planning at Università degli studi di Udine and Executive INU
