Donato Di Ludovico, Carmela Giannino, Simone Ombuen, Pierluigi Properzi, INU – URBIT

The most recent perspectives in the field of territorial governance tend to recompose the urban dimension with the territorial one, while, going beyond traditional administrative perimeters, policy plans and projects based on descriptions/interpretations of the new assets of Italian settlement systems in the transitionist perspective of Europe 2030 are being affirmed, connecting project functions and allocating resources and functional roles to them. The initiative questions the scientific communities and the technical structures that produce descriptions and information on a territorial scale with the intention of building the capacity to work in a network, sharing data and information and cooperating in the definition of production and interoperability standards and in the construction of venues for sharing elaborations and interpretations.

Themes under discussion

  • New forms of territory and transformation processes
  • Spatial coherence analysis of policies
  • Geographies of crises, relations between emergency management and development policies
  • Ecological networks, ecosystem services and environmental crises
  • Conducting stress tests on planning instruments

9:00 a.m. hall entrance

9:30 a.m. start of proceedings


Chair and co-ordinator:
Donato Di Ludovico, INU – URBIT

Simone Ombuen, INU – URBIT


Sandro Cruciani, ISTAT

Sabrina Lucatelli*, NUVAP   

Michele Munafò, ISPRA

“Geographical Information Systems of the Regions
Germana Di Falco, Territorial Cohesion Agency

Francesco Monaco, IFEL

“Urban Index”
Valeria Fedeli, DAStU-PoliMi

Paolo Testa*, Confcommercio – Imprese per l’Italia           

Federico Olivieri, ASViS

Filippo Celata, SGI    

Patrizia Lombardi, Coordinator, RUS        

Giampiero Lupatelli, CAIRE

Carlo Salone, AISRE

Ugo Rossi, GSSI

Piero Properzi, INU – URBIT

INU Community

Mimmo Moccia* (Metropolitan Planning)

Roberto Mascarucci (Medium-sized cities)

Angioletta Voghera (Landscape and vast area)

Domenico Passarelli* (Southern Italy)

Sandro Fabbro President, INU Friuli Venezia Giulia

Closing remarks
Carmen Giannino, INU – URBIT

*waiting confirmation
