Marta Bottero, Politecnico di Torino, Chiara d’Alpaos, Università di Padova, Benedetto Manganelli, Università della Basilicata, Paolo Rosato, Università di Trieste

The discount essay in real estate and project valuations based on the ability to generate financial/economic flows in both private and public spheres is the parameter, simultaneously, most important and most problematic to define. In the private sphere, time, inflation, financial markets, monetary policy, and alternative investment returns are essential variables to consider in choosing the sage. In the public sphere, the choice of the discount essay in the evaluation of investment projects-especially if they are long-term and have significant social and environmental implications-suffers from additional problems, confronting political and ethical issues, such as intra- and intergenerational distributional equity, the accuracy of estimating extra-mercantile effects, forecasts in the rates of development and technological innovation and digitization, and many others. The conference aims to explore the relationship between risk and uncertainty, time and value in private and public valuations in different methodological approaches.
The conference is divided into two sessions.
The first session is devoted to theoretical and operational aspects related to the choice of essay in the valuation of real estate by income capitalization and in the valuation of investment properties by discounting to the actuality of cash flows.
The second session focuses on the valuation of investments with relevant social and environmental implications and hosts insights and reflections on methodological approaches related to the choice of the social discount rate in Benefit-Cost Analysis and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, and how time and uncertainty factors can be included in Multicriteria analysis procedures.

9:00 a.m. hall entrance

9:30 a.m. start of proceedings


Moderated by:
Marta Bottero, Polytechnic University of Turin

Introductory report by:
“The controversial debate on the choice of the social discount essay”
Paolo Rosato, University of Trieste, SIEV President

Presentation of contributions by:

“Social Discount Wage and Urban Development Policies”
Gabriella Maselli, Antonio Nesticò

“Implicit discount rates in incentive policies for building energy efficiency”
Sergio Copiello, Edda Donati

“The discount essay in life-cycle assessments.”
Elena Fregonara, Diego Ferrando

“SROI and economic valuation strategies for historical heritage: how to build technical parameters according to a participatory approach”
Cristina Coscia

“Social Return on Investment application on urban renewal projects based on Visionary Solution”
Elisa Elena Vasiliu, Patrizia Lombardi, Sara Torabi, Adriano Bisello

“Uncertainty, risk and temporal dynamics: dynamic and spatial models to support urban and territorial transformations”
Marta Bottero, Vanessa Assumma, Caterina Caprioli, Giulia Datola

“Multidimensional assessments of Cultural Heritage management models, between budgetary constraints, local development policies and social innovation”
Francesco Calabrò, Immacolata Lorè

“Becoming Subjects. Structures of economic communication and modes of social solidarity in the project of business, city, landscape”
Salvatore Giuffrida, Maria Rosa Trovato, Carmelo Marisca, Francesca Campisi, Ludovica Nasca, Vittoria Ventura

End of the second session

Summary reports by the discussants:
Antonio Nesticò and Marta Bottero

End of the seminar

Scientific-organizational committee of the seminar
Marta Bottero, Chiara D’Alpaos, Patrizia Lombardi, Alberto Maria Lunghini, Benedetto Manganelli, Pierluigi Morano, Alessandra Oppio, Paolo Rosato, Stefano Stanghellini
