Edited by Vittorio Salmoni, INU – URBIT

In a fragmented and conflicting urban scenario it is crucial to plan for regeneration keeping design hallmark firmly in place by avoiding references to past models that consists of exclusively normative processes, lowered from above or facilitating substitutes or even subordinated to the composition of political agendas.

Regeneration is the tool for operating in the contemporary city, which no longer expands but transforms itself within its established limits.
Form, characteristics, and social and economic structure of places are the sphere of experimentation for regeneration models driven by different drivers. Among them, culture, especially in our country, is the most powerful and comprehensive element to trigger the processes of development and change.

9:00 a.m. hall entrance

9:30 a.m. start of proceedings



Vittorio SalmoniINU – URBIT

PART ONE: Case studies


(PNRR, Measure 2)
Municipalities awarded the Bando Borghi – line A
“Phantom Villages and their Revival
Toscana Region (TBC)
Castelnuovo dei Sabbioni
Speaker to be defined, Municipality of Cavriglia (AR)
Rione Fossi district
Agostino De Paolis, Mayor, Municipality of Accadia (FG)

Municipalities awarded the Bando Borghi – line B
Mariano Calamita, Mayor, Municipality of Appignano (MC)
Stefano Montecchiarini, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Appignano (MC)
Angela Barbieri, Mayor, Municipality of Montefano (MC)
Denis Curti, Artistic Director Effetto Ghergo Association

(PNRR Measure 2.3)
Beneficiaries of the call for proposals Parks and Historic Gardens
Sofia Capellini, Corsini Botanical Garden, Porto Ercole, Municipality of Monte Argentario (GR)
Franco Capponi, Villa Spada, Municipality of Treia (MC)
Simone Gheduzzi, Villa Simonetti, Municipality of Osimo (AN)

(Cohesion Agency)
Municipalities participating in the Urban Regeneration Call for Proposals
Leonardo Catana, Mayor, Municipality of Montecassiano (MC)

SECOND PART: Interventions

Carlo Alberto Barbieri, INU – URBIT


Director General Contemporary Creativity Ministry of Culture (TBC)
Fabio Renzi, Secretary General of Symbola Foundation
Marco Bussone, Uncem National President
Giuseppe De Luca, INU – URBIT
Marco Orlando, Anci Piemonte
Luca Baraldi, Ammagamma Modena
