New GeNova

The former MiraLanza industrial complex on the edge of the Rivarolo district in Valpolcevera ceased operations in 1999, and since then the vast four-hectare area has not found a functional use. Various town-planning proposals followed one another, which never found concrete implementation, and which envisaged reconverting the complex to residential functions with decidedly large sizes and volumes. The ineffectiveness of these forecasts was due to a misreading of the real vocation of the area, in a barycentric position for the city’s commercial traffic, lapped by the railway and close to the main road links.

In 2020, the municipal administration realised…

Green connections

The project, financed by the Umbria RDP 2014-2020, has implemented integrated landscape qualification interventions that together constitute the area project, represented in the master plan, for the redevelopment of the peri-urban and urban landscape of San Giustino. The project has allowed the reconstitution of landscape and ecological fruitive unity between the areas involved in the interventions and called ‘critical landscapes’.

The project proposes a series of connections, physical, material and immaterial, that will allow the peri-urban landscape to be enjoyed and will bring greater opportunities for sociality and wellbeing for the local community, as well as bringing landscape quality to…

Prato Carbon Neutral

The Municipality of Prato has been  selected by the European Commission among the 100 European cities that will participate in the mission “100 smart and climate-neutral cities by 2030”, the so-called “Cities Mission”.

In the two-year period 2022-23, the mission will be able to count on approximately 360 million euros of funding from the Horizon Europe program, to launch innovation paths to achieve climate neutrality by 2030 to launch innovation paths to achieve climate neutrality by 2030 to launch synergistic paths based on innovation with the aim of achieving climate neutrality and thanks to which different sectors will be able…


Ennio Nonni, INU – URBIT

Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) were introduced by Ministerial Decree 162/2019, when there was still no risk of going into crisis due to energy shortages, and prohibitive purchase costs and represent a means of stimulating groups of people to equip themselves with shared facilities for the production and self-consumption of energy from renewable sources.
A simple idea that prefigures the development of zero-kilometre energy and that, through the transposition of the European RED 11 Directive and PNRR funding, can significantly affect the achievement of energy autonomy; a local project dimension, in neighbourhoods but not only,…


Angioletta Voghera, INU Community Paesaggio e biodiversità

The conference discusses policies, strategies and actions to counter the degradation of cultural heritage and landscapes in the framework of regional landscape planning. The speeches will focus on a broad panorama of calls, initiatives and research activities aimed at building the cognitive, planning and economic conditions to act on landscapes, restoring the integrity and identity of the landscape system, interpreting the aspirations of communities on the transformation of places and paying attention to marginal, fragile and abandoned territories.

2:00 p.m. hall entrance

2:30 p.m. start of proceedings


Introduction by:
“Acting on the Landscape
Angioletta Voghera,…