The URBANISTICA Award, now in its fourteenth edition, is awarded to the projects exhibited in the 2020 and 2021 editions of Urbanpromo; the projects awarded in the 2022 edition were chosen from those exhibited in the multimedia gallery and in the exhibition held at the MEET – Digital Culture Center through the online vote expressed by users registered on the Urbanpromo website. From the 2016 edition, the projects are assessed with reference to the following contents, identified by the Director of the magazine to highlight the most important themes of contemporary…


Gianni Biagi e Stefano Stanghellini, INU – URBIT

Public administrators, planners, and private operators present projects that intervene on parts of the city abandoned by the activities for which they were built, aiming to make them once again vital components of today’s city. To be successful, the projects prepared must possess strong innovative content: the genius loci, the design concept, the functional mix, the partnership relationship between the Administration and private promoters, the financing methods, the public benefits generated.

2:00 p.m. hall entrance

2:30 p.m. start of proceedings


Introduces and coordinates

Stefano Stanghellini, INU – URBIT

Discussants with the speakers

Gianni Biagi, URBIT…


Edited by CDP Immobiliare Sgr

The session presents the measures envisaged by the PNRR (NRP) – Measure M1.C3.4 Tourism 4.0 – for the improvement of tourist accommodation facilities and tourism services, with the dual objective of raising the competitive capacity of businesses and promoting a tourism offer based on environmental sustainability, innovation and digitalization of services.

9:00 a.m. hall entrance

9:30 a.m. start of proceedings


Introduced and coordinated by:

Alessandra Susanna, Head of Technical Secretariat and Business Projects, CDP Immobiliare Sgr


“Scenario and market analysis: the Italian tourism sector”.
Fabio Braidotti, Partner Hospitality E&Y

“Impact of Tourism on the Territory and Opportunities arising from…