Since ten years, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti has been committed to promoting and supporting the development of private social housing, known as Social Housing, through a fund of funds, the Fondo Investimenti per l’Abitare (FIA), in which it is the reference investor (with 1 billion euro capital, equal to about 50% of the total endowment) and manager through its subsidiary CDP Immobiliare SGR. The FIA operates through an Integrated System of Funds (SIF): 29 local real estate funds, managed by 9 SGRs, whose reference investor is the FIA (with shares of between 33% and 80% of the total capital)…

Sharing spaces, including differences

Sharing spaces, including differences: this name underlines the message and the goals that this new facility inaugurated in May 2022 in the Arpini district of Orbassano intends to offer: to provide an answer to the housing discomfort in the area and to develop a new residential service specifically dedicated to the integration of people with severe motor disabilities, in collaboration with the “Gruppo di Aiuto e Sostegno del Disagio Abitativo delle Persone con gravi disabilità” (Group for the Help and Support of Housing Discomfort for People with Severe Disabilities).

The project envisaged by Cooperativa Giuseppe Di Vittorio, FASP and Fondazione…

New poles for hospitality and territorial aggregation

The Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation supported the construction of 2 new social housing structures in Turin with a total grant of € 895,000.

Both initiatives are characterised by a social and functional mix and aim simultaneously at meeting housing needs, urban regeneration and the social revitalisation of the local context. They are configured as territorial hubs involving the context’s resources and citizens, promoting an open and inclusive community, regenerating structures and territory, offering opportunities and spaces for meeting, positive and regenerative relations, cultural, aggregative, educational and sports activities in areas of the city in need of urban animation.

Ma.Ri. House…

ReSys, real estate management software

Properties’ management as Social Housing activies has taken on strategic importance over time also for those who have expanded their offer of social and cooperative services. New professional roles have emerged in this market segment such as property and facility managers, who represent diversified functions, from the structured manager to the corporate business unit.

In this scenario, Softime has started ReSys project from several years: a fully web IT platform, capable of satisfying the needs of ERP and Social Housing world transversely. ReSys indeed is a complete suite consisting of modules each dedicated to a management theme: from the composition…

Regenerating Cities and Communities: Integrative Community Services for Social Housing Management

Experience a “leap in scale” of the collaborative system of the Social Housing initiatives towards the urban areas in which the initiatives themselves are located.

The Tuscany Region has promoted, through the Housing Toscano Fund, managed by InvestiRE Sgr and participated among others by the Investmenti per l’Abitare Fund managed by CDP Immobiliare Sgr, the development of supplementary community services that can accelerate the transition from residence to living by bridging the gap between housing and public space through the active participation of the inhabitants in the social and cultural life of our cities.

A first phase of analysis, conducted on…


Edited by Investire SGR Spa

Over the past decades, InvestiRE Sgr has become a leading player on the national scene with respect to the creation of social value through urban regenerative action. This increased relevance was achieved through the management of ethical real estate funds dedicated to social housing participated by the Fondo Investimenti per l’Abitare lead by CDP Immobiliare SGR-in the creation of social value through urban regeneration.

InvestiRE has been able to specialize in the redevelopment of disused and degraded assets in city centers thanks to active collaboration with public and private territorial stakeholders, including the well-established partnership with…