FS Sistemi Urbani is the leading company of the Polo Urbano of the Gruppo FS Italiane (the National Italian Railway Italian Group), whose mission is to realize the potential for the regeneration of the Group’s real estate assets, through solutions of intermodality and logistics in the urban areas.
The main drivers of the company are environmental, social and economic sustainability, reduction of land consumption and stakeholder engagement.

Below are two examples, one in Turin (in the Lingotto urban area) and one in Milan (Ex scalo Farini).

Turin project
The project to regenerate the former railway areas of Turin
FS Sistemi Urbani is committed in Turin to the urban regeneration of about 500,000 square meters of abandoned railway areas. Thanks to the results of the Workshop “Rail City Lab”, in 2020 the works of the Control Booth were started with the City Council to identify the best strategic approach to verify the feasibility of individual transformational interventions.
Among the main points of value of the project is to grant particular attention to the requalification of the Lingotto area, by building a “Park of Health, Research and Innovation”.

Lingotto’area, Turin, Italy
The area of FS Sistemi Urbani in Lingotto is located along the railway line and the building of the “Park of Health, Research, and Innovation”, in front of the Piedmont Region Headquarters, in continuity with the OVAL sports facility, will further enrich an extremely dynamic and highly evolving urban context, where the Lingotto Exhibition Centre, the “Green Pea” Sustainable Shopping Centre, “Eataly” and the Politecnico di Torino are already located.
The real estate development project, with over 62,000 square meters of floor space, will allow for the development of complementary and integrative functions to those of the surrounding areas.

Ex scalo Farini airport, Milan
Regeneration plan for the former railway yards of Milan
The former railway yard Farini is located in an urban area undergoing transformation, along a route that goes from Porta Nuova, through the Garibaldi Station and on to the Bovisa area and the new projects for the Expo area.
The redevelopment of this large area is part of the regeneration project of the seven former Milanese railway yards, which aims to return a context of greater socio-cultural, environmental and economic potential to citizens, visitors and other stakeholders of the city.