The City of Andria is experiencing a particularly favorable moment, thanks also to the ongoing burial of the railway in the urban stretch for over 2 km, together with the huge resources of the funding of the programmes PINQuA (45 M) and PNRR (33.2 M)in synergy with other public interventions being implemented.
All integrate existing services, distributed to compensate for the shortcomings in the various neighborhoods, aiming at a uniform overall growth of urban quality.
The burial is the fil rouge, the opportunity to mend the fronts of the city and regenerate the living of the three areas of the stations: Andria Centro existing, Andria Nord and Andria Sud under construction. The surface arrangements are functionally integrated with the PINQuA.
The three PINQuA, in particular, are articulated in a unitary way to fill the gaps of an important regional infrastructural plan of connection Bari-Barletta, with effects of surface subway in the urban stretch. They reconnect areas separated from the trench, through accessibility and sustainable mobility, in tune with the PUMS. They integrate the urban fronts through the quality of living with new sustainable housing, ERP and ERS, equipment of collective services, wealth of public spaces and greenery, in all forms, naturalistic, school, pertinential, food forest.
The funds of the NRNR, for timely interventions, divided between Social Services, Urban Regeneration, School, Sport, are distributed in the urban fabric, enriching the center and suburbs. The restoration of the Doge’s Palace stands out above all, designed as an extraordinary cultural and educational attraction, driving for the territory, in connection with Castel del Monte, a flexible and multimedia hub of historical-cultural identity and creativity, together museum and theater, from Frederick II of Swabia to Farinelli.
Past and future together for fair and sustainable social and economic development.