Coordinamento Scientifico: Maurizio Errigo, Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Valeria Saiu, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, URBIT, Claudia Trillo, University of Bradford, URBIT, Giorgia Tucci, Università degli Studi di Genova

The conference “UPhD Green” is located in the framework of Urbanpromo Green, as a space dedicated to research conducted in the field of doctorates that address the theme of sustainable development, with reference to urban and territorial planning, urban and architectural design, analysis and evaluation of policies, plans and projects concerning the territory and cities.

The objective of the Conference is to promote and share the innovative ideas developed within the PhD courses, encouraging discussion and discussion on different approaches, methodologies and operational tools put in place to promote the transition socio-ecological, one of the greatest challenges and opportunities of our country. In particular, the conference aims to exploit the operational potential of doctoral research, showing case studies and application experiences that emphasize the importance of concerted activities and approaches between the world of scientific research, the technical professions, public administrations and enterprises.

Over the years, the UPhD Green conference has favored the comparison between PhD students/s and new PhD/PhD students from different Italian academic backgrounds and from different scientific disciplines, representing a concrete opportunity to build a space of transdisciplinary relationship, functional to the formation and development of fertile processes of hybridization and contamination that are the basis of innovation.

The sixth edition of the conference proposes a reflection on the social and economic impacts of policies, instruments and actions put in place to reduce and adapt to climate change. In particular, the conference aims to encourage a comprehensive reflection on the issues of equity and climate gentrification, comparing approaches and experiences that emerge from different territorial contexts.


10:00 – 10:30 registration

10:30 – 10:45
Initial greetings
Stefano Stanghellini, Honorary President INU, Founding Member of SIEV
Luana di Lodovico, Coordinator of the INU Youth Laboratory
Giulio Mondini, Member of the SIEV Board

10:45 – 11:00
Presentation of the conference
Maurizio Errigo, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Valeria Saiu, University of Cagliari
Giorgia Tucci, University of Genoa


Giovanna Acampa, Professor of Estimo, University of Enna Kore, University of Florence
Manuel Gausa, Professor of Urbanism, University of Genoa
Piero Pellizzaro, Director of Workshop for the Regeneration of Public Buildings, State Property Agency
Michele Zanelli, Councillor for Urban Planning, Municipality of Imola

11:00 – 12:30
First session

“Rainwater and cities: Strategic and operational references for water management in contemporary cities”
Gabriela Fernández Balmaceda, University of Rome “La Sapienza”

“The study of metabolic systems in perturbing”
Sara Picirillo, University of Naples Federico II

“‘3P+R’. The case of Velletri”
Sharon Anna Somma, University of Roma Tre

“Protected areas and urban regeneration: for a strategy of adaptation to climate change. Barcelona and the Natural Park of the Serra de Collserola”
Alessandra Addessi, University of Rome “La Sapienza”

“An experience to combat gentrification, through adaptation to the effects of climate change in a perspective of improving thermal comfort and energy saving: the case of “Olbia Social Housing””
Maurizio Sebastiano Serra, University of Sassari

“Cultural Heritage as a resource for an integral ecology”
Rosa Romano, University of Rome “La Sapienza”

“Evaluation and tools for the construction and management of Renewable Energy Communities”
Alessandro Carrus, University of Cagliari

“Study of experiences and systematic approaches to the issue of “gentrification” of climate and green spaces resulting from the planning and upgrading of green infrastructure”
Lianfeng Geng, University of Rome “La Sapienza”

“Sport and public cities. The role of infrastructure in the ecological transition”
Ilva Hoxhaj, University of Rome “La Sapienza”

“Greening Green Infrastructure. Ecological landscape and continuity in the Metropolitan City of Rome”
Carolina Pozzi, University of Roma Tre

“Rethinking urban regeneration through the perspective of impact-driven design”
Arda Lelo, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

12:30 – 13:30
Research discussion
