Ennio Nonni, Gianni Biagi, URBIT

His Majesty the tree; everything revolves around the need to ensure the longest possible life, for the well-being of plants and for the benefits to citizens, the system of greenery that connects cities and that, if not supported with scientific rigor runs the risk of following fads, sometimes even negative for the noble purposes of urban regeneration.

Wonderful examples of trees on the roofs have crossed centuries of history (from Babylon to the medieval Guinici tower of Lucca), artists have introduced since the second half of the 900 new points of view (Undertwasser in Vienna), precursors of green architecture (Emilio Ambasz, green on gray) have extended it to the urban dimension.

The theme now is whether punctual and sometimes sensational experiments of “green art” if generalized and led to emulation at the scale of the building, are sustainable from an environmental point of view.

In practice, whether these examples can be extended to the urban scale, in a long-term vision and with a sensitivity that takes into account the various components, from aesthetics, to safety and overall economic management.


9:00 – 9:30 registration

9:30 – 13:15
Ennio Nonni, URBIT


“Green on roofs from antiquity to the age of enlightenment”
Giorgio Galletti, University of Florence

“Roots in conflict: Solving the challenges between trees, citizens and roads to a harmonious future”
Francesco Ferrini, University of Florence

“Where to put trees in the city of the future?”
Andrea Mati, Landscape painter, nurseries Mati Pistoia

“Trees in time: the need to look away”
Giovanni Morelli, Arboriculturist and agronomist

“Trees, roofs and urban biodiversity: between management and improvisation”
Nicola Bressi, Zoologist, Museo Civico Storia Naturale Trieste

“Experiments above ground. Tenants trees, vegetated walls and other urban natures”
Anna Lambertini, University of Florence

13:15 – 13:30
Gianni Biagi, URBIT