Alessandra Oppio, Politecnico di Milano, Marta Bottero, Politecnico di Torino

Cities have long been at the centre of major transformations in responding to the challenges of sustainability. Among these, one phenomenon of particular importance concerns the increasing student mobility in university cities; this phenomenon poses significant problems from the point of view of the housing issue relating to the off-site student component, generating an unsustainable rental market with great difficulties for families.

In this sense, the subject of the right to housing appears to be very linked to that of the right to study, focusing on the analysis of housing needs and the urgency of strategies among all the actors involved (government, local authorities, universities, real estate operators).

A second aspect to recall concerns the fact that university settlements generate important spillovers and opportunities in the territory where they arise, not only in terms of human capital, know-how and income, but also services and infrastructure. In this perspective the university becomes a decisive factor of development with effects on the social, economic, productive, environmental and infrastructural components of a city.

Assessing the complexity of the effects of investments in university settlements is of fundamental importance in defining urban development policies, which aim, on the one hand, at satisfying demand for education and, on the other, at maximising impacts.

In this context, the seminar intends to reflect on the relationship between universities and the real estate market and, more generally, between universities and local economic systems.


14:00 – 14:30 registration

14:30 – 18:30 2nd part

Introductory Reports
Simona Camerano, Deposit and Loan Fund

“The commitment of the CR Florence Foundation for access to sustainable housing”
Carmine Grimaldi, Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

Round table

Alessandra Oppio, SIEV President

Stefano Stanghellini

Giuseppe De Luca, Director of the Department of Architecture (DIDA), University of Florence
Adolfo Baratta, University Roma Tre
Francesca Zirnstein, Managing Director of Real Estate Scenarios
Gianni Guerrieri, Director Centrale Servizi estimativi e osservatorio mercato immobiliare, Agenzia delle Entrate
Oriol Nel lo i Colom, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Massimo Bricocoli, Director of the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano and Coordinator of the Casa Affordable Observatory in Milano Metropolitana
Paolo Mazzoleni, Councillor for Urban Planning of the City of Turin

18:15 – 18:30
