Gianni Biagi, Stefano Stanghellini, INU-URBIT

The right to housing for the poorest families is currently not guaranteed due to the inadequate size of the public housing stock, its age and state of maintenance, and its management conditions. This general negative judgement differs in Italy’s regions and cities. The economic and social diversities of urban contexts are mixed with institutional and management differences, with the physical characteristics of the heritage and also with regional regulations governing the matter in different ways. The confused situation, which is the result of the State’s prolonged lack of interest, seems to require, as a preliminary step, the creation of a common regulatory reference framework, starting from the unambiguous definition of the multiple forms into which what, until the early 1990s, were public housing and subsidized and assisted housing.

The main objectives of a desirable State intervention are identified in the following points: the preservation and redevelopment of the existing public housing stock; the increase in the number of public housing units in urban regeneration operations referring to public sector real estate assets; the extension of the housing offer at calmierized rents that the social and private sector can put in place; the integration of housing policies with social policies. The training of appropriate professional skills in the real estate management of social housing is of national importance.


14:00 – 14:30 registrations

14:30 – 16:15

First session
The case for a National Housing Plan

Introduces and coordinates
Stefano Stanghellini, INU Honorary President

“Lines and first contents of the National Housing Plan”.
Barbara Acreman, Director of Housing Policies, Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport

Stefano Aguzzi, Councillor for Public Housing, Marche Region
Bruno Discepolo, Town Planning Councillor, Campania Region
Giordana Ferri, Executive Director, Social Housing Foundation
Paolo Franco, Councillor for Housing and Social Housing, Lombardy Region
Enrico Melasecche Germini, Councillor for Housing Policies, Umbria Region
Serena Spinelli, Councillor for Social Policies and Public Housing, Tuscany Region

16:45 – 18:30

Second session
Experimental initiatives undertaken by the Regions

“The Housing Pact and Housing Agencies”.
Marcello Capucci, Territory Area Manager, Emilia-Romagna Region

“The REHOUSE project: a challenge to integrated and innovative design for social housing”.
Monica Misceo, ENEA
Vincenzo De Devitiis, ARCA Capitanata
Maritè Cuonzo, Housing Policies Section, Apulia Region

“Experimental initiatives in Liguria”.
Silvia Risso, Head of Complex Urban Programmes and Housing Sector, Liguria Region

“The PINQuA Gratosoglio in Milan”.
Immacolata Vanacore, Lombardy Region (tbc)

“PNRR Complementary Fund. Programme ‘Safe, green and social: redevelopment of public housing’. SVS 5 The intervention in via Campomicciolo in Terni”.
Enrico Melasecche Germini, Councillor for Housing Policies, Umbria Region