Anna Marino, Valerio Cutolo, Fondazione con il Sud, Gianni Biagi, Stefano Stanghellini, URBIT

Urbanpromo promotes this first focus on a theme imbued with priority ethical and legal values, as well as social, economic and environmental, such as the social use of goods confiscated from the Mafia. The conference is opened by a general framework of the subject under the normative, dimensional, localized and typological, institutional. The peculiarities of the theme are then documented by the presentation of cases that are first of all a symbol of legality and that are characterized by the pursuit of economic and social ends of public utility thanks to original forms of asset management and public collaboration-private society.

There is a wide range of situations: Verbumcaudo, an ancient fief of the Madonie whose fields are now organically cultivated by a social cooperative, Villa Fernandes in Portici became a social and cultural center, the agricultural laboratory of Pietra di Scart in Foggia, the hostel of the social cooperative GOEL in Locride, all initiatives supported by the Foundation with the South, the Suvignano Estate in Monteroni d’Arbia with the intervention of the Tuscany Region,  the system of the social territorial area for the management in an associated form of property confiscated in the municipalities of Garda Bresciano, coordinated by Azienda Speciale Consortile Garda Sociale in network with third sector companies (initiative supported by Fondazione Cariplo)the recovery of a factory confiscated and destined for the headquarters of the Civil Protection in Brescello in the province of Reggio Emilia.


14:00 – 14:30 registration

14:30 – 16:00
First session

Introduces and coordinates
Luigi Lochi, Fondazione Con il Sud, Coordinator of the Permanent Observatory on Seized and Confiscated Goods

Presentation of cases of recovery, social reuse and regeneration and enhancement of the territory:

“Suvignano Estate in Monteroni d’Arbia (SI): the largest confiscation occurred in a region of Central-Northern Italy”
Gabriele Berbi, Mayor of Monteroni d’Arbia (SI)
Giovanni Mottura, Sole Administrator of the Agricultural Company Suvignano S.r.l.

“The Eco-hostel Locride (RC): example of responsible tourism and effective ethics”
Vincenzo Linarello, President of GOEL – Cooperative Group

“Is it possible to manage confiscated property in an associated form? The example of the system of the social territorial area in the municipalities of Garda Bresciano realized within the project “Leali Ties””
Elena Rocca, Contact person Programming and design Azienda Speciale Consortile Garda Sociale
Viviana Bassan, Programme Officer Personal Services Area, Fondazione Cariplo

“Villa Artemisia: a tourism academy is born in Bari in a property confiscated from the mafia”

“Verbumcaudo: stories of “remaining” in the ancient feud confiscated in Palermo by Giovanni Falcone”

“‘Casa Glo’ in Naples: social space that welcomes vulnerable young people inside Villa Gloriette”
Angelica Viola, Development Manager of the Social Cooperative L’Orsa Maggiore

“The factory of Brescello (RE) confiscated and destined to headquarters of the Civil Protection”
Stefano Storchi, former Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Brescello

” ‘Footprints in the South’: first community welfare experience in Reggio Calabria”
Laura Cirella, Communication Manager Consorzio Macramè

16.30 – 18.00
Second session

Round table
Assets confiscated from mafias as opportunities for redemption and development of the territory

“Assets confiscated from the mafia: an uphill path”
Introductory video with Pietro Fragasso, President of Cooperativa Sociale Pietra di Scarto – Cerignola (FG), Antonio Capece, Director of Villa Fernandes – Portici (NA), Simmaco Perillo, President of Consorzio NCO – Aversa (CE)

Introduces and moderates
Luigi Lochi, Fondazione Con il Sud, Coordinator of the Permanent Observatory on Seized and Confiscated Goods

Speakers from the case studies will:
Stefania Pellegrini, University of Bologna, Director Master in Management and Reuse Goods and Companies Confiscated from the Mafia “Pio La Torre”
Antonio Pratesi, Head of Territorial Area Centre, Banca Etica
Francesco Domenico Moccia, INU Secretary General