Stefano Stanghellini, URBIT

The implementation of complex urban regeneration operations always requires the development of a fruitful collaboration between the public and private stakeholders in various ways and the municipal administration. This collaboration is established and developed in various forms, depending on the urban objectives of the Administration, the needs of local communities, the entrepreneurial vision of private subjects, the creative contribution of the designer, the characteristics of the intervention areas and buildings, and so on. It is precisely the development of partnerships between the various actors in the public sector and the private sector that at the same time, a purpose that Urbanpromo has assumed since its first edition back in 2004 and a field of continuous exploration in order to make known successful approaches and stimulate emulative behaviors.

The conference presents new initiatives that aim to renew parts of cities in a state of degradation thanks to the convergence of a plurality of public and private interests.


09:00 – 09:30 registrations

Stefano Stanghellini, President of the URBIT Scientific Council

Introduces and coordinates
Paolo La Greca, University of Catania, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Urban Planning of Catania

Paolo Galuzzi, Director of URBANISTICA, Sapienza University of Rome

First session

“Future Cities. First National Report on Urban Regeneration”
Mario Breglia, President of Real Estate Scenarios
Francesca Zirnstein, Managing Director of Real Estate Scenarios

“Public and public private partnership strategies in the new Structural Plan of Prato”
Valerio Barberis, Councillor for Urban Planning of the Municipality of Prato

“The rehabilitation of the Sant’Orsola complex in Florence”
Alberto Migliori, Technical Manager, Metropolitan City of Florence

Discussion and discussion

Second session

“Stalingrad: from industrial and management district to European platform of big data and artificial intelligence. Innovative solutions for a complex project”
Raffaele Laudani, Councillor for Urban Planning, Municipality of Bologna
Francesco Evangelisti, Director of Plans, Programs and strategic projects, Municipality of Bologna
“Transformation of a former mill complex in Viterbo” (tbc)
Remo Cencioni, representative of the proposer, Società Molino Medori srl (tbc)

“The future of the Cavallerizza Reale of Turin”
Stefano Brancaccio, CDP Real Asset Sgr
Federico Viano, Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation

“Transforming Turin: public and private, regeneration and infrastructure”
Paolo Mazzoleni, Councillor for Urban Planning, City of Turin

Discussion and discussion
