Tancredi Attinà, INU, Vice President Legacoop Abitanti

Mutualism is the founding principle of the cooperative movement, which then generated cooperatives. While it is true that the cooperative is based on mutualism, mutualism does not coincide with the cooperative, it is much broader.

To speak of ‘neo-mutualism’ is to identify a space where mutualism, understood as a virtuous exchange, generates added value, where cooperation, by regenerating itself, creates new supply chains, and where we see the revival of user cooperatives or the identification of new forms of collaborative and cooperative living characterised by mutual exchanges.

The conference will focus on two topics of discussion:

  1. whether the creation of a new ‘inhabitants’ cooperative’, which starts from a consolidated and more than one hundred years old model, can foster intercultural exchange and thus generate a new mutualistic mentality capable of co-designing services of public interest and develop a culture of care among the inhabitants of the neighbourhood centred on the community;
  2. Whether ‘neo-mutualism’, which is spreading among Italian cooperatives, can be that social mechanism of relationships that allows for the management of interdependence between institutions, businesses and citizens: a mechanism that applies to both people and organisations. Within the integrated design process activated by Legacoop Abitanti, involving Legacoop Sociali and CulTurMedia, as a tool to activate urban regeneration projects with a high social impact, the collaboration between Innovacoop and Finabita, based on the co-design method, can represent an opportunity both for Legacoop Cooperatives and for Institutional subjects and Private Investors who want to implement projects with a high social impact.


9:00 – 9:30 registrations

9:30 – 10:45

Tancredi Attinà, Vice President Legacoop Abitanti

Introduces and moderates
Paola Pierotti, PPAN

“Living, collaborating, cooperating
Chiara Rizzica, PhD architect, expert in social and collaborative housing projects and policies

“RECOOP – UP: launching the video”.
Roberto Lippi, Director Barberini Foundation

“Systemic and interdependent cooperation”.
Rossana Zaccaria, President Legacoop Abitanti

“Promoting policies and advocacy with social impact”.
Eleonora Vanni, President Legacoop Sociali

“Spreading fair culture through welfare and housing”.
Giovanna Barni, President Legacoop CulTurMedia

“Integrated Design: an opportunity for Urban Regeneration projects – Legacoop’s approach through the experiences of Innovacoop and Finabita”.
Chiara Franceschini, Director Innovacoop
Fabio Bastianelli, President Finabita

11:00 – 11:15
Silvia Viviani, Vice President Ecological and Solidarity Transition Association