Barbara Casagrande, Paola Cianfriglia, Andrea Cuccia, Roberto Nepomuceno, Silvia Strada, Ministero del turismo, Gianni Biagi e Stefano Stanghellini, INU – URBIT

The Strategic Tourism Plan 2023-2027 approved by the Council of Ministers on 17 July 2023 aims to increase the attractiveness of Italy and improve the distribution of international and national tourist flows. To this end, the Plan promotes alternative destinations, which, although now less frequented, deserve to be known and enjoyed for the specific values they possess, which derive from their history and the traditions they carry. These destinations are linked to the quality of the natural resources and landscapes and are attributable to particular aspects of the contemporary world. In essence, the Plan aims to collect the latent instances of territories that would like to enhance their specificities (“there are also me”) and by virtue of them integrate, expand, diversify, the national tourist offer (“why all there?”).

The objective of the Strategic Tourism Plan (PST) – of fundamental importance not only for the national economy but also for the vitality, preservation and regeneration of many parts of Italy such as the internal areas, villages, some urban areas – urges spatial planning and town planning, along with economic planning, territorial marketing, architectural design, to take action, integrating, to achieve it.

The opening conference of the 20th edition of Urbanpromo, promoted by the INU in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, wants to affirm the vision of an innovative, inclusive, responsible, decentralized and seasonally adjusted tourism, sustainable, through the dissemination and sharing of experiences representative of this vision. The conference focuses on four types of experiential tourism using the institutional expertise of the Ministry of Tourism and the results of scientific research programs carried out by representatives of the INU.


9:00 – 9:30 registration
9:30 – 10:45 opening session

Gianni Biagi, URBIT President

Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence
Bernabò Bocca, President of the CR Florence Foundation
Michele Talia, President of Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
Eugenio Giani, President Tuscany Region
Daniela Santanchè, Minister for Tourism

10:45 – 12:00
First panel:
Sustainable tourism for UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Barbara Casagrande, Secretary General, Ministry of Tourism


“Cultural and environmental sustainability in the perspective of the 2030 Agenda”
Ivana Jelinic, Managing Director Enit (tbc)

“Comparative analysis of tourism promotion projects of Unesco cities and creative cities”
Benedetta Rizzo, Ministry of Tourism (tbc)

“The slow and accessible cultural tourism of the Mirabilia Network of the CCIAA”
Iginio Rossi, INU

“The renaissance of greenery. From the historic garden to the social garden. The contribution of Fondazione CR Firenze for the environmental requalification of the city of Florence”
Alessandra Bandini, Fondazione CR Florence

“Tourism in the management plan of the historic center of San Gimignano”
Giuseppe De Luca, INU, University of Florence

12:00 – 13:30
Second panel:
“The tourist attraction of the villages and the tourism of the roots”

Carmen Bizzarri, European University of Rome


“Sustainable tourism development of the villages, the Subiaco Charter”
Giancarlo Dall’Ara, Interministerial Commission Attractiveness of the villages

“The tourism of the roots as a strategy for the relaunch of the Inner Areas”
Giovanni Maria De Vita, Directorate General Italians Abroad and Migration Policies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

“Rebirth of villages and development of inland areas for a fair transition and greater competitiveness for the country”
Patrizia Lombardi, INU, Politecnico di Torino

“The historic center of Subiaco. Recovery between use and residence”
Daniele Iacovone, Town Planner, former Director of Urban Planning