Eccentric. The Pecci Centre’s Collections
The Luigi Pecci Centre for Contemporary Art presents Eccentrica. The Pecci Centre’s Collections: a disorientating itinerary, open to the public from 6 May 2023, which reinterprets the works collected by the Centre, selecting more than 50 among the approximately 1,200 acquired or donated from 1988 to today. Fontana, Boetti, Warhol, Richter, Kounellis, Bonvicini, Schnabel and Fumai, these are some of the great artists in the collection. For the first time, a wing of the exhibition space is permanently dedicated to the presentation of the collections. The display design is by the Formafantasma studio according to criteria of sustainability and accessibility, themes that inspire the artistic direction in the Centre’s proposal. The Great Nio Wing (from the architecture realized in 2016 by Maurice Nio) is thus transformed into an even more unprecedented place to experience the Pecci Centre, to narrate Prato and to learn about contemporary art from the post-war period to today.

Diego Marcon. Glassa
The Luigi Pecci Centre for Contemporary Art presents the largest exhibition project to date by Diego Marcon in an Italian institution, opening to the public from 30 September to 4 February 2024. Invited in January 2021 by the director Stefano Collicelli Cagol, the artist, one of the most interesting on the international contemporary scene, has made the ten rooms of the Gamberini wing his own, transforming them into an immersive experience through new or existing works arranged in a single, ad hoc set-up. Marcon explores the boundary between cinema and the visual arts, investigating the relationship between reality and moving images and coordinating the movement of visitors through the use of emptiness, time and light. The exhibition includes the film ‘Dolle’, the winning project of the ‘PAC2021 – Plan for Contemporary Art’, promoted by the General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture. The collaboration with architect Andrea Faraguna enriches the experience.

Presentation of the Urban Center of the City of Prato and meeting with the Administration
After visiting the permanent collection ‘Eccentrica. The Pecci Centre Collections” and the originality of the exhibition “Diego Macron. Glassa” the participants in the OFF event will be introduced to the Urban Center space with the exhibition project “BELVEDERE RN-M-G-G-CLTU NIEN13163:2013″ by (ab)Normal, Captcha Architecture and Emilio Vavarella.
The meeting with the representatives of the Municipal Administration will be an opportunity to learn about the peculiarities of the 2024 Structural Plan and the fallouts that are expected to occur in the strategic areas identified by the urban planning tool and that will result from urban redevelopment and regeneration.

Belvedere RN-M-G/G-CIT UNI EN 13163:2013
A project by (ab)Normal, Captcha Architecture and Emilio Vavarella. It is one of the nine site-specific interventions of ‘Spaziale presenta’, the preparatory phase to the realisation of ‘Spaziale. Everyone belongs to everyone else’, the project curated by Fosbury Architecture for the Italian Pavilion at the 2023 Architecture Biennale and promoted by the Contemporary Creativity General Management of the Ministry of Culture.
Belvedere RN-M-G/G-CIT UNI EN 13163:2013 is conceived as a journey from the picturesque to the techno-sublime, capable of revealing and deconstructing the idea of authenticity linked to the postcard-like commercial image of Tuscany, opening twelve new windows on its production sector. In particular, two elements are staged by the project: the nursery industry and the production of stylish building elements.