City of 15 minutes

The program “15 Municipalities 15 Projects for the city in 15 minutes”, is developed in collaboration between the Department of Urban Planning and the Department of Decentralization, Participation and Services to the Territory for the City of 15 minutes through a wide involvement of all municipalities, and plans to regenerate a first series of 15 territorial areas, one for each Town Hall.


Science Museum

The Science Museum of Rome will be born in the area of the former Military Establishment of Via Guido Reni in the Flaminio district. For its realization, an international design competition was held in which 70 firms and professionals participated. The winning proposal was identified by the jury chaired by the architect Daniel Libeskind which included the architect Benedetta Tagliabue, founder of the Embt studio in Barcelona, the Dutch architect Fokke Moerel, partner of the architectural and urban design firm Mvrdv of Rotterdam, architect Alessandro D’Onofrio, university lecturer and curator of the architecture section of MAXXI and the Director of the Department of Coordination Infrastructure Development Urban Maintenance of Rome Capital Ernesto Dello Vicario.


The Integrated Urban Plans

Within the funds provided by the PNRR, Roma Capitale has decided to allocate 180 million euros to three integrated urban plans: 50 million for the PUI of Santa Maria della Pietà, 50 million for the PUI of Corviale and 80 million for the PUI of Tor Bella Monaca.

Corviale: The concept of the Corviale Plan is social innovation and the solidarity economy and aims to promote inclusion and cohesion through the improvement of the quality of living.
The Plan is aimed at improving and improving the quality of buildings and regenerating the open spaces that characterize the district, intended as an element of connection between city and countryside, according to the original intention of the designers.


Rome turns

  • Piazza Pia: Extension of Sottovia Lungotevere in Sassia to Piazza Pia. Total amount of funding: € 70,000,000.00. The project aims to bury the current road system in Piazza Pia through the extension of the existing underpass.
  • Ponte dell’industria: Prevent the final closure, scheduled in 2026, and return to the city an important work both from the point of view of connections, both from the historical, being a bridge that belongs to the cultural heritage of Rome. These are the objectives of the redevelopment works that will affect Ponte dell’Industria. From next 24 July, in fact, the bridge will be closed and will reopen definitively to September 2024. At the end of the works, the work will be completely put to standard, including anti-seismic, and will be passable by buses, vehicles and will be equipped with a protected walkway for walking.

Territorial strategies of Rome Capital

PR ERDF LAZIO 2021-2027

Within the framework of regional policies for territorial cohesion and, specifically, through the ERDF Regional Programme (European Fund for Regional Development) 2021-2027, the Lazio Region supports and promotes urban development through Territorial Strategies (ST) at local level, in line with the provisions of the European regulatory framework, financing a total of EUR 140 million for the implementation of these Strategies, of which EUR 70 million for Roma Capitale.

The Capitoline Administration has drawn up the Territorial Strategies for two urban areas related to the Ostia coast (City Hall X) and the district of Pietralata (Town Hall IV)identified by the Metropolitan Strategic Plan as priority areas for the implementation of socio-economic rebalancing policies.