A cura di Stefano Stanghellini, INU
Within the framework of policies aimed at realising forms of shared and collaborative living, relevant expectations are placed on Senior Housing interventions. This type of intervention has many aspects in common with the other types of specialised residences brought together in the framework of Social Housing: living comfort and containment of energy costs, additional collective endowments to the living space, proximity services, openness to the community and integration with it.
But since they are aimed at a segment of the population that tends to be increasingly fragile from several points of view – from the physical to the economic, from the health to the social – in addition to the qualities typical of other types of Social Housing they are required to possess others, aimed at counteracting the processes of weakening and loneliness.
And the demographic trends currently underway in the country, which show the gradual expansion of the elderly population, call for an intensification of interventions aimed at the elderly through policies necessarily based on the integration – with various formulas – of the financial and organisational resources that the three sectors – public, private, private social – are able to make available.
The community’s awareness of this increasingly important issue must therefore be raised, and the public policies addressed to it, together with its most virtuous manifestations, must be made known so that they can stimulate emulative behaviour.
14:15 – 17:00 first session
Experiences of senior housing
Welcome Greeting
Gianni Biagi, URBIT President
Introducer and moderator
Andrea Aleardi, Director of the Michelucci Foundation
‘Shared Housing, a Perspective in Older Age’.
Presentation of the research carried out by the G. Michelucci Foundation for the Region of Tuscany
Massimo Colombo, Head of Social Housing Area, Giovanni Michelucci Foundation
Giulia Fiorentini, Researcher, Giovanni Michelucci Foundation
Good Practices
‘The experience of Lastra Signa’.
Angela Bagni, President of the Social Centre, former Mayor of Lastra a Signa
‘The model of the Novoli Village in Florence’.
Federico Bettarini, Head of Social Housing and Administration, Consorzio Fabrica
‘Condominio Solidale Debouchè: an experimental model for senior housing’.
Anna Rabbia and Maurizio Bocconcino, Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT
Elisa Saggiorato, Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation
Massimo Rizzo, G. Di Vittorio Building Cooperative
Federica Porracchio, REAM sgr
Isabella Brossa, Labins s.c. social enterprise
‘The case of Fondazione Casa Lucca’
Daniela Micheletti, Director Casa Lucca Foundation
‘The country rediscovered’
Roberto Mauri, President Cooperativa la Meridiana, Monza
‘Tuscan Housing Fund: the Lux Living Community Nursery’.
Maria Cristina Dragonetti, President of the SintesiMinerva Cooperative
Serena Spinelli, Councillor for Housing Policies, Tuscany Region
17:00 – 18:30 second session
Senior housing: a new dimension of social life
Alessandro Maggioni, President of Confcooperative Habitat
Alessandro Tatò, President Confcooperative Habitat Toscana
Round table moderated by
Flaviano Zandonai, Sociologist and Third Sector expert
Marco Nerattini, Director Health Society of Florence
Edoardo Ristori, Head of Volunteering, Philanthropy and Charity Sector, Fondazione CR Firenze
Luca Gori, President Fondazione CR Pistoia
Lorenzo Terzani, President Consorzio Fabrica
Laura Colini, IUAV University of Venice
Serena Spinelli, Tuscany Region Councillor for Social Services