EUROPEAN COMMISSION | Regional and Urban Policy


a cura di: Kai Böhme, Sabine Zillmer, Sofie Jæger & Frank Holstein (Spatial Foresight) Lisa Hörnström, Alex Dubois & Stefanie Lange-Scherbenske (Nordregio)

《The aim of this study on promoting multi-level governance in support of Europe 2020 is to generate lessons learned from existing experience and to stimulate the learning and transfer between regions. The study focuses on both the analysis and facilitation of transfer processes.
This is a revised version of the Inception Report of the DG Regio study on promoting multilevel governance in support of Europe 2020, presented one month after the start of the study. The revised report mainly presents the single tasks ahead, based on our tender and taking into account the comments and discussions during the first steering group meeting on 23 October 2013. In addition the report contains also a revised version of the literature review carried out … 》