In line with the Action Plan for Sustainable Energy (Paes), the new PRG takes on the containment of land consumption as the driving force for upgrading the energy efficiency and environmental impact of cities.
3 are the strategies for regeneration, defined as a function of the degree of modifiability of different urban areas.

1 Areas of the great transformation
Vast brownfields represent an opportunity to rethink large sections of the city. Here public direction plays an important role in respect of private entrepreneurship: the Plan sets out the objectives of the transformation, together with the equipment required in the public interest as compensation.

2 Areas of replacement and renovation
The “eco-neighborhoods” are areas in which, in the face of volume incentives and greater liberty positioned in the settlement, the Plan requires both high energy and environmental standards, and better provision of spaces for public use. The purpose is to promote the replacement of damaged parts, mostly composed of public building.

3 Building credits for energy improvement
For many buildings, the persistence of disposal processes, the location in areas with high building density or valuable environmental, make energy efficiency interventions difficult.
The Plan encourages them, through the generation of building loans in different areas purchasable and seleable (low density or expansion). The sale of the receivables will result in a significant improvement of the energy performance of the city, as provided by Paes.