A large part of the memory of the city is conserved in an area close to the touristic and coastal part, this part of the city is a place of landscape values, and is waiting for a project to enhance those values.
We are talking about the landscape unit located on the right waterside of the Melo river between the road (on the track of the ancient Flaminia road) and the axis of median sliding; this side of the river is characterized by the presence of an ancient roman bridge, the old monumental graveyard, the old furnace, partially already adapted to be a primary school, and a clay mine, on which limit stand in the past an ancient monastery; there is also the bike path that head to the sea.
The project predict to physically and conceptually connects various elements of the landscape, transforming the cave into a urban park (called Parco degli Olivetani, as a reference to the ancient monastery) and creating a link with the interior space of the building block close to here, recently restored, of the Hoffmann oven and the old furnace, that will be place of a modern museum, like a sort of “house inside the house” of ungersian memory. The educational and exhibition structure will be the place for the Museo del Territorio, rich of archeological elements and educational info. It is also predict the realization of a wood platform on the river; on the same river, there is the idea of creating a new navigation system for the transport of citizens and tourists until the roman bridge, first “in situ” object of the archeological path that will head to the new museum through the park. The water seen as a line on which the human acts stand, the uses and the sensorial experiences will be part of the river, that has lost its original meaning but can still find a new function building a relation between man and landscape. The project unifies environmental, archeological, natural, civil, landscape and architectural values, proposing itself as a new urban point of reference for the life of the city.