• November, 11 – NEW DEADLINE to upload files
  • November, 12 – START online voting
  • November, 22 – END online voting (17.00 PM, italian time)
  • November, 23 – final workshop

NEWS (17 October 2018)

X URBAN-PROMOGIOVANI AWARD is a cultural event aimed to nurture the learning experience of talented students from any Higher Education Institution worldwide -in the fields of Architecture, Engineering, Planning, Design, Real estate-, who are developing learning outcomes within the subject area of urban regeneration and urban transformation.


What are you waiting for? Download the competition brief!


Students interested in participating, shall submit a design project proposal in the following fields:

  • urban transformation;
  • urban marketing;
  • smart cities;
  • sustainable energy;
  • social housing.

All the projects will be included in the Multimedia Gallery of Urbanpromo 2018 and advertised all over the world through the UrbanPromo media partners.
Projects uploaded on the website will be evaluated both by being voted by the visitors of the web- site and
by being assessed by an international jury. The evaluation consists of two parallel processes:
On-line award: Following the deadline, registered users have the opportunity to vote for the preferred proposal through the website www.urbanpromo.it. Each user is allowed to select maximum one proposal.
Prizes will be awarded to those proposals, which score higher in the number of preferences.
International Jury award: An international jury composed of experts on urban design and planning will evaluate the proposals through a web based process.

The competition culminates in a final workshop, run on the 23rd of November 2018 at the Triennale of Milan. The workshop  outcomes  will be evaluated in real time by a panel of experts. Prizes will be awarded to those proposals, which score higher in the jury evaluation.