NEWS (17 October 2018)

We are pleased to invite all the participant to Urban-promogiovani10 in the International workshop that will be held on Friday 23th of November 2018, from 2.00 pm until 6.30 pm at Spazio workshop of the Triennale di Milano.
The workshop represents the end of the competition Urban-promogiovani10 and will be focused on the preparation of a project proposal for a case study in the city of Genova by working in groups under the supervision of a scientific responsible of the Camera di Commercio di Genova and experts onurban planning and design.
The participation is completely free and a certificate of attendance will be given to all students that will participate.
Great news of the current edition is that the workshop proposals will be evaluated in real time by a panel of experts and the winners will be awarded prizes in books equivalent to:

1,000 euros: 1° classified;

700 euros: 2° classified;
300 euros: 3° classified;

The workshop will be followed by a ceremony for awarding the UrbanPromoGiovani competition winners!!!
The workshop will be a great occasion to meet students from all over the world and to create useful urban planning networks!!!

NEWS (12 November 2018)

The programme and presentations are available here

In the morning the conference “Porti città territori. Le nuove dimensioni della pianificazione portuale” will be preparatory to the workshop “Urban-promo Giovani”.
The attendance at the first part of the day is highly recommended.