From the 20th to 23rd of  November 2018 Milan will host the XV edition of Urbanpromo “Progetti per il Paese”. Growth, development, progress and international opening are concepts that have always characterized the city of Milan and that Urbanpromo shares in the elaboration of its cultural project.

In the Triennale Palace, architecture, art and design create a unique atmosphere for those who visit Urbanpromo.

From the curious to the experts, from the administrators to the scholars: the event will have heterogeneous presences with the common interest to enrich themselves of new knowledge and to extend their network of relationships.

Urbanpromo “Progetti per il Paese” consists of an exhibition of projects and a qualified program of conferences.

The exhibition of projects is hosted in the Hall of Honor of the Palace. The projects are available both through traditional methods of representation (panels, videos, plastics), or by accessing the online Gallery thanks to the specially designated positions.

The high scientific, technical and cultural profile of Urbanpromo is guaranteed by the program of conferences, seminars and meetings. The great current themes of urban regeneration, sustainable development and social housing are directly reflected through the presentation of original initiatives and projects, capable of activating stimulating comparisons and promoting the spread of innovations.