Bianca Anna Viarizzo, Maurizio Bocconcino, Anna Rabbia, Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation

Since the Victorian era, The United Kingdom, has distinguished itself for its social approach to the issues of living and the use of spaces dedicated to work and private time, in a continuous evolution, passing through the subsequent phases of industrial development.
The models and changes faced by British society are certainly a source of inspiration because they bring together our realities, particularly in the relations between the historic city and the city beyond the walls and between city and countryside. The United Kingdom has a very varied population distribution, similar to the Italian one: densely populated metropolises, not only London, and rural areas.  suspended between population decline and activation of enhancement processes. As in our country, the local community is the core of life in rural areas. And it’s the same for the UK, a country that gathers around volunteers and pub, which we call bars or cafes. Beyond stereotypes, therefore, analyzing the process of urban and social regeneration in the United Kingdom can be very useful, especially being able to have as guides philanthropic and non-profit realities that develop projects on the national and international territory at the highest level, with actions of communities inclusion, heritage protection, access to sustainable housing and the right to education, always guided by highly advanced methods of monitoring and evaluation.

If you are interested to participate at the development of the program of this conference, you can leave us a comment or a suggestion in the following section “contributions”.


Introduces and coordinates:
Bianca Viarizzo, Project Coordinator, Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation

Institutional greetings:
Eleanor Sanders, Deputy Head of Mission British Embassy in Italy
Stefano Stanghellini, URBIT President

Ben Bolgar, Senior Design Director, The Prince’s Foundation
Emma Ackerman, Deputy Director, National Lottery Community Fund
John Hannen, Programme Manager, Ambition for Ageing, Manchester
The Foundations of Banking Origin in Italy: the reasons for an interaction with European and Anglo-Saxon philanthropy
Giorgio Righetti, General Manager ACRI


Curators and speakers:
Maurizio Bocconcino Polytechnic of Torino
Environment and territory Engineer, specialist in planning and land management, PhD in representation and survey for building protection and territorial heritage, currently Associate Professor of Design and Survey at Politecnico di Torino. Member of Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT’s "Urban and Social Regeneration" group.
Anna Rabbia Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation
Architect, Architecture graduated for the Sustainable Project at the Politecnico di Torino. Project Manager at Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT, she deals with the project area "Urban and social regeneration" particularly with issues related to urban regeneration, social housing, urban quality, also in support of projects of social and economic impact measurement.
Bianca Anna Viarizzo Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation
Project Coordinator at Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT. She is responsible for the project area "Urban and Social Regeneration", particularly for impact monitoring and evaluation, working with national and international organizations, such as Social Value Italia, Social Impact Agenda, European Foundation Centre - Funders' Forum Sustainable Cities.
Eleanor Sanders Deputy Head of Missione Ambasciata Britannica in Italia
Eleanor Sanders joined Italy team in September 2019. During her Foreign Office career she has worked on a wide range of issues including Europe, the Middle East and former Soviet Union, security cooperation, counter-terrorism and crisis management. She has done two postings in Moscow and most recently was Head of the FCO’s Syria Unit. She has also worked in the National Security Secretariat in the Cabinet Office.
Ben Bolgar The Prince’s Foundation
Senior Director at the Prince’s Foundation and Design Director of the development company, Stockbridge Land. At the Foundation he has led collaborative planning and design frameworks that cover city expansions, new towns, brownfield remediation, town centre regeneration, heritage, ecological and healthcare projects. Honorary fellow at the University College of Estate Management, a visiting fellow at Kellogg College, Oxford. Member of the Royal Victorian Order for his work at the Prince’s Foundation in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in 2019.
Emma Ackerman National Lottery Community Fund
Emma joined the National Lottery Community Fund in 2017 with over 20 years’ experience of working with children, families and communities across the education, public and charity sectors. As Funding Strategy Director Emma is responsible for ensuring that all grant making is of the highest standard and that the richness, reach and scale of funding enables people and communities to thrive across the UK. She also oversees innovation, improvement and foresight work to drive forward funding development and support to the sector.
John Hannen Programme Manager, Ambition for Ageing, Manchester
John Hannen leads the "Ambition for Ageing" partnership in Manchester. This brings municipal, academic and civil society organisations together to make neighbourhoods good places to grow old in. John Has a background in housing and transport policy.
