Roberta Capuis, Head of Urban Planning and Urban Regeneration

In continuity with the previous editions, this year Confcommercio-Imprese per l’Italia contributes to Urbanpromo by proposing a reflection on the social role of local trade and public establishments and on the relationship between food culture, city and territory, also in terms of urban regulation. The health emergency of Covid-19 has made clear the importance of the widespread presence in the urban fabric of neighborhood economic activities, both for the service offered to citizens and for their nature as places of social exchange, but underlined, at the same time, the fragility of this widespread economic heritage and the need to safeguard it. For this reason, the debate on urban regeneration, in facing in an integrated way the wide variety of issues concerning the organization and functioning of cities, must also take into account the central role of local services in order to outline policies and actions. able to support and strengthen urban economic systems and to counteract the contraction of social spaces.
In this context, public establishments clearly embody the idea of a capillary network of places and services dedicated to conviviality and being together, even before economic exchange. These are places that have historically favored the circulation of ideas and the acceptance of new lifestyles and which still play an important social and cultural role today. The opportunity should therefore be taken to govern these activities from an urban planning point of view so that they can contribute to the revitalization of parts of the city and integrate harmoniously with other urban functions.

If you are interested to participate at the development of the program of this conference, you can leave us a comment or a suggestion in the following section “contributions”.


2.30 pm – Opening and welcome greetings:

Carlo Sangalli, President Confcommercio-Imprese per l’Italia (pending confirmation)
Antonio Decaro, ANCI Chairman (pending confirmation)
Michele Talia, INU President (pending confirmation)

2.45 pm – First Session

Round table: conviviality and public space
Introduces e moderates:
Sandro Neri,
Director of “Il Giorno”

Lino Enrico Stoppani, President of FIPE – Italian Federation of Public Exercises
Cristina Tajani, Assessor of Production and Trade Activities of the Municipality of Milan
Umberto Montano, Founder of Mercato Centrale
Claudio Sadler, Chef Restaurant Sadler Milan

4.10 pm – Presentation of the volume:

Economic activities in the post-Covid city. Reflections on urban regeneration
Roberta Capuis, Head of the Urban Planning and Regeneration Sector, Confcommercio-Imprese per l’Italia

4.20 pm – Second Session

Urban planning regulation of commerce and public buildings

Presents and deepens the theme:
Luca Tamini, Professor of Urban Planning, Politecnico di Milano

Alessandro Mautino, President of Epat – Associazione Pubblici esercizi di Torino
Davide Urban, Director Confcommercio Ferrara
Alessio Giovarruscio, Trade Union Coordinator Confcommercio Pisa

5.30 pm – Conclusions

Curators and speakers:
Roberta Capuis Confcommercio-Imprese per l’Italia
Architect, with experience in the private sector and various appointments in the Public Administration, she is currently responsible for the Urban Planning and Urban Regeneration Sector of Confcommercio and committed to promoting shared processes of urban, economic, social, cultural and environmental development.
Alberto Villa ANCI
Born in 1986, he graduated in Political Science and is currently Mayor of Pessano with Bornago (MI) and Councillor of the Metropolitan City of Milan. He has held various positions at ANCI since November 2012, prior to the current national delegation on "Urban Regeneration Projects and Suburbs" he was Chairman of ANCI Lombardy's Territory and Urban Planning Department.
Michele Talia INU
Michele Talia is full professor of Urban Planning at the School of Architecture and Design of the University of Camerino. As a public administration consultant he has coordinated the design groups of the Structural Plan and Urban Regulations of the Municipality of Siena and the Strategic Plan of the Province of Teramo.
Sandro Neri Il Giorno
Graduated from the Catholic University of Milan, he began his work as a journalist at a very young age, since high school. He worked for La Stampa, the editorial staff of Novara, the L'Espresso Group, the Agl news agency, both in Milan and Rome, and in the mid-1990s he joined the Monrif Group, which publishes the daily newspapers Il Giorno, Il Resto del Carlino and La Nazione. Throughout his career, he has been involved in news, crime, judicial and economics.
President of the Italian Federation of Public Exercises (FIPE) since 2006 and, since 1996, he has led the provincial association (EPAM) in Confcommercio Milano, of which he is currently a member. Vice-President of Confcommercio Nazionale since 2018 and Vice-President of Banca Popolare di Sondrio since 2015. Today sole director of the family real estate company SPADARI S.p.A. He is also a member of the Council of the Order Emeritus of the Knights of Labour.
CRISTINA TAJANI Municipality of Milano
Graduated in Economics and Social Sciences, she holds a PhD in Labour Sciences from the University of Milan. In 2011 she was elected by the Mayor of Milan, G. Pisapia, Councillor for Labour, Economic Development, University and Research. Confirmed by the Mayor Giuseppe Sala, who elected her Councillor for Labour Policies, Production Activities, Trade and Human Resources.
Umberto Montano Mercato Centrale Firenze
He is president of the Cultural Association Palazzo dell'arte dei Giudici e Notai, founder and creator of the Mercato Centrale Firenze (later also Rome, Turin and I Gigli and soon in Milan), of which he is chairman of the board of directors: a new challenge in the world of Italian food, where gastronomic experience and culture are combined in an unprecedented whole.
Claudio Sadler Chef Restaurant Sadler Milan
He began his career in Food and Beverage by opening the "Locanda Vecchia Pavia" in Pavia. His debut in Milan0 took place in 1986, when he opened the Osteria di Porta Cicca, in 1995 the restaurant moved to Via Troilo, where he received his second Michelin Star (2002). The Chef brings Italian culinary culture to Tokyo and Pechino. In 2018 he was awarded the Ambrogino d'oro by the City of Milan.
Luca Tamini Polytechnic of Milano
Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Scientific Manager of URB&COM Lab - Urban Planning and Commerce of the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of the Politecnico di Milano, where he carries out research activities dealing with urban planning regulation of urban economic activities.
Alessandro Mautino President of Epat - Associazione Pubblici esercizi di Torino
From 2000 to 2017 he managed Cacao in Torino, one of the most important summer discos in Italy. In 2017 he took over the historic disco "La Gare" and reopened it under the name "Milk", after an important restyling. He currently holds the position of President of Epat and Provincial President of Silb in Torino.
Davide Urban Confcommercio Ferrara
Born in 1972, he has a degree in Law and has always been involved in the Confederation. He was Director of the Regional Union Confcommercio Emilia-Romagna and, since 2011, he has held the position of Director of Ascom Confcommercio Ferrara.
He currently acts as Trade Union Coordinator at Confcommercio Provincia di Pisa. He is a publicist journalist and within the same Association he is in charge of the Communication and Press Office.
