Stefano Stanghellini, URBIT President

Two years ago Urbanpromo dealt with the complex and delicate issue of “urban ghettos”, conceived as a circumscribed portion of a city that has found itself involved in a process of urban and building degradation, inhabited by people in conditions of social and economic precariousness, and consequently very exposed to social conflicts and illegal activities. The qualification of “new” means that the ghettos to which it refers are the effect of contemporary demographic and economic dynamics: at a certain point in their history these pieces of city have taken a completely different evolutionary direction from the design idea that had inspired their birth.
At that time, a specific seminar was held to make an initial survey of the phenomenon at national level. The first objective was to study in depth its genesis and dynamics, and to outline the set of configurations assumed. A second objective was to learn about the initiatives undertaken by the regional and municipal administrations to tackle the multidimensional problem of these settlements. A third objective was the need to understand the nature of the obstacles to the regeneration of these areas and to identify effective operating methods. In the background, there was the aspiration to think of monitoring tools able to catch the onset of the degradation process in a timely manner and to put the Administrations in a position to activate urban policies able to prevent the deterioration of social, economic and urban conditions.
In this edition of Urbanpromo, the presentation – by the ASI Consortium of Foggia – of the project for the conversion of Mezzanone Airport – which has been in the forefront of national news for years, such as the “Ghetto of Mezzanone” – into an agro-industrial park, is an opportunity to reactivate attention on the theme of the community of town planners and public decision-makers.


Introduces e coordinates:
Stefano Stanghellini, URBIT President

Zingonia: broken utopia
Stefano Landoni, Social, Housing and Disability Policies Service, Lombardia Region

Mezzanone Airport: from ghetto to industrial park? The ASI project
Eustacchio Franco Antonucci, Consortium for the Industrial Development Area of Foggia

The case of the Salicelle district in Afragola
Paola De Joanna, University of Napoli Federico II
Padre Ciro Nazzaro

The housing and social redevelopment of the former Olympic Village in Turin
Paolo Boleso, Fund Coordinator InvestRE SGR


Curators and speakers:
Stefano Stanghellini INU - URBIT
Architect, former President of the Inu and Full Professor of Estimo at the Iuav University of Venezia, he has directed his most recent work on the multidimensional feasibility of urban projects.
Eustachio Franco Antonucci Consortium for the Industrial Development Area of Foggia
Engineer Eustacchio Franco Antonucci, degree Civil Construction Engineering University Napoli. Researcher of Urbanism-Ingegn.-Arch./NA prof. C. Beguinot and prof. U. Cardarelli. Plans: 167/FG L. Benevolo; PIP/FG; PRG minori. Urban Planning Manager/FG; Chief Engineer IACP/FG; General Manager ASI/FG.
Paolo Boleso InvestiRE SGR
He coordinates the team of Investire SGR - the leading Italian real estate investment fund manager - for the development and management of Social Housing, Student Housing, Senior Housing, Private Rented Sector projects and, more generally, of any initiative that is characterized by innovative residential needs, for domestic and foreign clients.
