Anna Rabbia, Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT
Iginio Rossi, INU – URBIT

The physical and social distancing measures with which we reacted to the first phase of the Covid emergency19, precisely for an almost generalized application to profoundly different territories and populations, have contributed to accentuating the inequalities in access to spaces and services by more fragile components of the population (elderly, children, lonely people and people with disabilities, poor, invisible, immigrants, …).
Dealing with the multiple inequalities that affect housing (home, work, services, …) and that the arrest of interpersonal and social relationships and practices imposed by the health emergency has increased, allows us to circumscribe and better understand the dramatic conditions in which increasingly large groups of people live. Recent analyzes by the Bank of Italy and Istat as well as the Disability Forum show current states and forecasts oriented towards a spread of poverty and the inevitable lack of adequate answers to requests for housing, work and services. It is therefore necessary to re-compose the general framework within which it must be possible to insert even unexpressed requests for public housing, spaces for small work, services (primarily social health and welfare and education). Consistently, it is necessary to rethink the solutions with which public policies and actions (but not only) are able to react promptly both to emergency conditions and to structural changes (such as those induced by the worsening of the economic crisis and by the aging population scenarios urban). The meeting that is part of the “Cities accessible to all” program ( aims to identify guidelines and guidelines useful for defining priorities, strategies, tools, through the organization of discussion tables made up of representatives of significant experiences grouped by coherent themes, taking care to maintain the basic differences.

If you are interested to participate at the development of the program of this conference, you can leave us a comment or a suggestion in the following section “contributions”.


2.30 pm

Motivations and expectations:
Iginio Rossi, INU-URBIT

Accessibility and quality of living together
Silvia Viviani, INU past-president

Policies and experiences within regeneration in Great Britain
John Hannen, Ageing Better Programme in Manchester

End of the first part in plenary

(Carrying out discussions and comparisons through the simultaneous organization of Thematic Tables composed of four or five representatives of experiences, as well as coordinator and facilitator. Access after registration to the Web platform)

Where do we start again to find addresses and tools to overcome inequalities?

Table 1 – Quality of Public Residential Construction

Piera Nobili, CERPA Italia Onlus
Caterina Silvestri, Architect

Policies and tools for national and regional ERP agendas
Franco Landini, INU-URBIT

Projects to improve the quality of life in neighbourhoods
Filomena De Sciscio, ACER Reggio Emilia

Youth cohabitations in solidarity
Giulia Toffanin, ACMOS Association (Aggregation of Social Consciousness and Social Living)

Innovation in public housing between urban regeneration and soil saving
Oscar Borsato, ATER Treviso

Table 2 – Housing Inclusion

Francesco Alberti, INU Tuscany
Barbara Chiarelli, University of Trieste

Young people, the demand for affordable rental homes in Milano and the private market
Anna Delera, Politecnico di Milano

Innovation and support
Annibale d’Elia, Municipality of Milano

The Culture Store – Neighbourhood Concierge’s Office
Antonio Damasco, Italian Network of Popular Culture

Living Inclusive. The project for an autonomous and independent life
Antonio Magarò, University Roma Tre

Table 3 – Vitality and accessibility

Alessandro Bruni, INU Umbria
Piero Toseroni, INU Umbria

Geographies of abandonment: an atlas for the Milanese territory
Emanuele Garda, University of Bergamo

SLOW Aquileia. A strategic agenda for a small reactive city
Elena Marchigiani, University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and Architecture, and
Nicola Vazzoler, Municipality of Aquileia

The accessibility system, a strategy for a more efficient historical centre
Moreno Landrini, Municipality of Spello

Socio-territorial regeneration through participatory agroforestation processes: the case of the Vettabbia Park
Alice Giulia Dal Borgo, University of Milano

The contribution of markets to improving accessibility in neighbourhoods
Oscar Cattaneo, Confcommercio Genova, and Carla Peirolero, Suq Genova Association

Table 4 – Services for the inclusive city

Luca Marzi, University of Firenze
Anna Rabbia, Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation

Urban microservices for the local community
Gaetano Manuele, CTS City Accessible to All

Quality of urban routes: the case of Pietra Alta in Torino
Maurizio Bocconcino, Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation, Polytechnic of Torino

#Casaè: social housing at the service of the emergency
Andrea Maisante, GERICO soc. Coop. Social

Intelligent buildings, new paradigms for protection and assistance to vulnerable groups. A real case
Francesco Tomasoni, HALLESS Managing Director

Dialogue with the city and aspects of sharing with the neighbourhood in Social Housing projects
Cinzia Stagliano, InvestiRE SGR

End of the second part – Tables at the same time

Conclusions in plenary

Summary of the debate developed in the Tables:
Piera Nobili, CERPA Italia Onlus, and Caterina Silvestri, Architect 
Francesco Alberti, INU Toscana, and Anna Rabbia, Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT 
Alessandro Bruni, INU Umbria, and Piero Toseroni, INU Umbria

6.30 p.m. – End of works

Curators and speakers:
Anna Rabbia Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation
Architect, graduated in Architecture for the Sustainable Project at the Politecnico di Torino. Project Manager of Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT, she deals with urban and social regeneration, social housing and urban quality issues within the project area "Urban and social regeneration", also in support of projects to measure the social and economic impact of interventions.
Iginio Rossi INU - URBIT
Architect, he deals with the urban functioning inherent in 360° accessibility, networks for soft mobility and the revitalization of urban territorial economic bodies also at a territorial level with reference to urban regeneration, historical centres and the functioning of widespread mixed activities.
Silvia Viviani INU
Councillor of the Municipality of Livorno for town planning, public works, urban greenery; Vice President of the Association Transizione Ecologica e Solidale; on the Board of Directors of CDP Immobiliare; former President of INU. Designer of Provincial, Inter-municipal and Municipal Plans, historical centres, parks, marinas.
John Hannen Ambition for Ageing, Manchester
John Hannen leads the "Ambition for Ageing" partnership in Manchester. This brings municipal, academic and civil society organisations together to make neighbourhoods good places to grow old in. John Has a background in housing and transport policy.
Piera Nobili CERPA Italia Onlus
Expert architect in inclusive design. Speaker in various courses, seminars and conferences. President of the association CERPA Italia Onlus. Co-responsible for the CRIBA service of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
Caterina Silvestri architetto
Architect, enrolled in the Odine degli Architetti of Pescara. My firm is in charge of the design and executive management of building works; interventions of conservative restoration and recovery of existing building heritage, in Abruzzo and province of Foggia.
Franco Landini INU - URBIT
Administrator and technical director of the engineering company EPSUS Musa srl. Member of the INU Tuscany Region, member of the steering committee as support to the president. In the scientific committee of Urbanpromo Social Housing. With the engineering company Epsus Musa he is general contractor of technical services for the construction of 80 social housing units in Piombino.
Filomena De Sciscio ACER Reggio Emilia
Filomena De Sciscio, graduated in Social Service Sciences, specializes in "C.T.U. for Child Abuse" and in "Expert in Forensic Social Service" (at the University of Naples "Federico II") and in "Mediation of Family, Social and Corporate Conflicts"(at ISCRA, Istituto di Mediazione Sistemica Relazionale di Modena). She is registered in the Professional Register of Systemic Relational Mediators AIMS.
Giulia Toffanin ACMOS Association
Graduated in Modern and Comparative Cultures. Treasurer of the Acmos association and member of its presidency. Coordinator and responsible for the Faster and Dai areas, which include the association's educational and housing projects respectively.
Anna Delera Polytechnic of Milano
Anna Delera, professor of Architectural Technology at the Polytechnic of Milano - DAStU Department - has always been interested in living design issues, dealing with Public Residential Buildings, suburbs, redevelopment
Annibale D'Elia Municipality of Milano
Director of the Economic Innovation and Enterprise Support Project, Municipality of Milan, expert in public policies for economic and social innovation and the promotion of entrepreneurship with decades of experience in designing and coordinating policies indicated as good practices by Italian and European bodies and institutions.
Antonio Damasco Italian Network of Popular Culture
Antonio Damasco is an actor and theatre director. As director of the Italian Popular Culture Network he is involved in national and European socio-cultural projects and curator of the book heritage of the Tullio De Mauro Fund.
Antonio Magarò Roma Tre University
Antonio Magarò, Architect, PhD, Research Fellow, is teaching in the courses of Materials and Building Elements and Inclusive Design (Università degli Studi Roma Tre). He deals with new technologies for overcoming barriers.
Alessandro Bruni INU - Umbria
PhD in Spatial and Urban Planning. He practices urban and landscape planning and urban design. Professor of Urban Planning at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Perugia.
Emanuele Garda University of Bergamo
He holds a degree in Urban Planning and a PhD in Urban Projects and Policies from the Politecnico di Milano. He has carried out many years of professional activity in the urban planning field. He has taught at the University of Bergamo, the Polytechnic of Milan, the University of Milan, the Polytechnic of Turin and the University of Trento.
Elena Marchigiani University of Trieste
Associate Professor of Urban Planning, University of Trieste. She carries out research activities on plan and project tools, with particular attention to the themes of urban regeneration and inclusive accessibility.
Nicola Vazzoler Municipality of Aquileia
Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Urban Planning and LL.PP. Municipality of Aquileia. Architect and Ph.D. in territorial policies and local design, he works as a consultant in the field of town planning and planning at professional firms.
Alice Giulia Dal Borgo University of Milan
President of the Didactic College of the Degree Course in Human Sciences of the Environment, Territory and Landscape - Faculty of Humanistic Studies, University of Milan. Associate Professor at the Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage, teaches Regional Geography and Environmental and Landscape Geography.
Carla Peirolero Suq Association Genova
Actress and director, with a degree in Sociology and a diploma from the Scuola del Teatro Stabile di Genova, she has conceived and directed since 1999 the Suq Festival and Theatre project, Europe's best practices for dialogue between cultures. She is involved in community theatre, culture and civic innovation projects.
Luca Marzi University of Firenze
Graduated in architecture and PhD from the University of Firenze. He carries out research, design and consultancy activities for public bodies, with particular attention to accessibility and usability and management of spaces. Since 1999 he has been a researcher at the Department of Architecture of the University of Firenze.
Gaetano Manuele CTS Città Accessibile a Tutti
As a member of the GdL Città Accessible to All, the architect has won awards on the themes of urban planning and sustainability, as well as a mention for the INU Prize for Literature 2017. He coordinates the projects "inSUPERabile" and "Suoni dalla città di Catania", and has published numerous works in the field of urban planning.
Maurizio Bocconcino Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation, Polytechnic of Torino
Associate Professor of Drawing and Relief at DISEG and member of the Interdepartmental Research Centre R3C of the Politecnico di Torino. Member of the social and urban regeneration group of Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT.
Francesco Tomasoni HALLESS
Managing Director and co-founder of Halless. He is a member of the Digital SME Artificial Intelligence of the European Commission and professor at the SAA Business School, University of Turin. For over 8 years Director at OCTO Telematics Corp. Since 2000 he has been responsible for innovation and special market projects for large companies in Europe and USA for Ernst&Young and NTT-Data.
Cinzia Stagliano InvestiRE SGR
Fund Manager in Investire SGR S.p.A. da oltre tre anni di fondi di Social Housing e di fondi residenziali a sviluppo. Precedentemente si è occupata di sviluppo, investment e asset management nel gruppo Cassa Depositi e Prestiti nell’Unità Valorizzazione Patrimonio.
