The latest arrival is called “Genova Gourmet Bartender”, and it is the brand that recalls the aromas, fragrances and landscapes of Liguria but also the ability of the great barmen on board in the past to mix cocktails and drinks with evocative names.  So, when they were called by the Liguria Region to compete with the Sanremo Festival, the “Genova Gourmet Bartender” presented themselves with a cocktail dedicated to the festival, called “70… and don’t feel them”. And this is just one example of how belonging to one of the collective brands managed by the Genoa Chamber of Commerce can be transformed, with a touch of imagination, into a weapon to tell the story of an entire territory.

The first of the family of collective geographical brands launched by the Genoa Chamber of Commerce was “Genova Gourmet”, which later evolved into “Liguria Gourmet” thanks to the accession of the Riviere di Liguria Imperia, La Spezia, Savona Chamber of Commerce. The idea is for the best chefs to become ambassadors not only of good cuisine but also of the quality of the certified products they undertake to use in their recipes: first and foremost, with their customers, but also around the world, in the various institutional missions promoted by the Liguria Region and the Chamber of Commerce.

This successful experience led to the creation of “I Prodotti Genova Gourmet”, based on an innovative contract system in which entrepreneurs sign a contract defining the production process and product characteristics. The aim is to protect niche products, both historical ones such as rose syrup and innovative ones such as curry and saffron.

This completes the family portrait of the collective geographical brands created by Genoa Chamber of Commerce to protect and promote local excellence: from restaurateurs to producers to bartender, a single thread that unites those who passionately cultivate their craft but also their land.