The Municipality of Spello, through the advancement of the Strategic Framework for the Enhancement of the Historic Centre and the territory, which is based on the policy for the historical centres of the Region of Umbria, has developed the theme of accessibility to the historical city through a systematic set of interventions that see the start of the design of the entire alternative mobility system and the implementation of interventions aimed at the landscape qualification of the contexts close to the historical centre. We have worked in the sense of the balance between conservation and development in an urban fabric characterised by historical, architectural and archaeological values, a fabric, perhaps among the few in Umbria, densely inhabited, where numerous services to people insist. The Strategic Valorization Framework has made it possible to plan and implement over time interventions capable of combining the improvement of urban functioning, social and economic vitality with the attractiveness of the historic city and its nearby landscapes.

Through the advancement of the Strategic Valorization Framework, which has found its first application with the realization of the first sustainable mobility section for the access to the historical centre and the overcoming of architectural barriers, the Municipal Administration has been able to plan a coordinated system of interventions to connect the “Parcheggio delle Querce” to the historical centre, located downstream of it, with the centre itself. A system made up of three sections, one of which, the intermediate section (section 2), has been built and put into operation, while the remaining two, the valley section (section 1), which can be used from the above mentioned car park, is in the planning phase as well as section 3 which is also in the planning phase and both of which are eligible for funding from the Umbria Region.

The construction of the new mobility system will make it possible to optimise the flow of users in the historic centre, significantly limiting vehicular traffic in favour of an invaluable environmental quality in the urban environment.

In recent years Spello has been able to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the Umbria Region, in terms of new regulations and new territorial and urban planning tools, as well as opportunities linked to the sustainable development of urban and rural areas. In this regulatory and institutional framework, the Municipality of Spello has invested a lot of energy to compose a strategic and planning framework of short, medium and long term aimed at starting a pro-active process that would enhance the local potential without forgetting the framework of the general, regional context in which Spello’s potential is inserted.

With the QSV, the Municipality of Spello has started, in an extended participatory process, a series of projects with the founding idea of strength that sees Spello as a triple integrated action where Accessibility, Attractiveness, Welcoming are the cornerstones of the general strategy.