Simona Collarini, Director of Urban Planning Head Office, Municipality of Milan

For a long time it was thought that innovation, economic growth and increased employment could not be pursued while also managing to face the environmental challenges of our time. Yet it is essential to use natural resources in a sustainable way in the long term and the interest, including the European Union, for Nature Based Solutions (NBS) goes in this direction.

The European Commission defines NBS as “Nature-inspired and nature-supported, cost-effective solutions that simultaneously provide environmental, social, and economic benefits and help build resilience. Such solutions bring increasingly diverse nature, features and natural processes to cities, landscapes and seascapes through locally adapted, resource-efficient and systemic interventions.”

NBSs are a “young” concept that still needs to be systematized: there are several ongoing experiments. These experiments are aimed at building an operational framework that can, using the ecosystems and services that NBSs provide, deal with current challenges such as climate change, food security, natural disasters and the quality of the urban environment.
The experimentation of NBS, in fact, aims to bring more nature and natural processes in urban contexts in order to face the issues of water management, the moderation of heat islands as well as the improvement of the overall quality of the urban environment.

Through the presentation of the experience of the Municipality of Milan with the European project CLEVER Cities, the seminar will explore how NBS can be implemented in the design of urban environments and outline a realistic transition path towards a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient city.


Nature based solutions: implementation strategies in the territory of the Municipality of Milan”
Simona Collarini, Director of Urban Planning Head Office, Municipality of Milan

“NBS in innovative urban regeneration projects – the Reinventing Cities experience”
Carmen Salvaggio, Head of Milan 2030 Unit – General Urban Planning Area, Municipality of Milan

“Loreto Open Community: un’isola sostenibile in mezzo alla città, motore di circoli virtuosi”
Reinventing Cities second edition – NBS in the Piazzale Loreto project
by the winning team
Simona Portigliotti, Nhood, rappresentante dell’investitore
Carlo Masseroli, City executive Arcadis Italia, PM del progetto
Antonello Magliozzi, Head of Design & Engineering Arcadis Italia, responsabile sfida 2 per il progetto

“Vitae una Certosa urbana”
Reinventing Cities prima edizione – NBS nel progetto di via Serio
A cura del team vincitore:
Andrea Cassi, Valentina Grasso, Architect, Carlo Ratti Associati
Giulia Menegazzi, Direttore tecnico Habitech

“NBS on an urban scale. Strategies for Depaving in Milan”
Ilaria Giuliani, Environmental Transition Head Office, Municipality of Milan

“Co-design to support the implementation of NBS: the experience of CLEVER Cities in London and Hamburg”
Nicola Murphy-Evans, Municipality of London
Sophio Konjaria-Christian, Municipality of Hamburg

“Clever Milano: Milan’s labs”
Simona Collarini, Director of Urban Planning Head Office, Municipality of Milan
Emilia Barone, Project Manager Clever Cities

“The new Tibaldi station, a collaborative project and a place to live”.
Gloria Dajelli, Italferr S.p.A.

“Let’s green up Milan: the towers of Via Russoli”
Tiziana Monterisi – Ricehouse Srl

Nature-based solutions on a national scale: twin projects

“VegGap and Urbinat”
Elisa TorricelliMunicipality of Milan

“Nature4Cities and Metro Adapt
Cinzia Davoli, Metropolitan City of Milan
Marina Trentin, Municipality of Milan

The platform for Connecting Nature enterprises
Valeria Stacchini, Metropolitan City of Bologna

Simona Collarini, Director of Urban Planning Head Office, Municipality of Milan
