Curated by Cariplo Foundation, FHS, Compagnia di San Paolo Faoundation, Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation, INU. With the participation of CDP Immobiliare Sgr

The plenary session of the first day dedicated to Social Housing will focus on the following two guiding themes:
– community building in social housing interventions
– the development of partnerships between the public, private for-profit and non-profit sectors in urban regeneration programs with affordable housing projects

Interventions of the representatives of the promoting organizations will precede the lectures. These speeches illustrate the importance of community building and building partnerships with the public sector in the design and development of their programs of activity. Their programs, as we know, pursue aims of social utility and promotion of economic development. The presentation of the lectures is opened by a reflection on the permanent changes induced by the pandemic, followed by contributions of scenario and method related to concrete experiments.
In the succession of reports, in which the British contribution of the Prince’s Foundation stands out, the focus of reflection shifts from the commitment to community building to the involvement of a variety of third sector and public sector actors in urban regeneration projects with social implications.


Michele Talia, INU President

A memory about Franco Prizzon
Stefano Stanghellini, INU Honorary President

Institutional greetings from the representatives of the promoting organizations:
Alberto Anfossi, General Secretary of Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation
Marco Doglio, Chief Executive Officer CDP Immobiliare SGR
Cristina Giovando, President of Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation
President FHS
Representative of Cariplo Foundation

Introduces and moderates:
Paola Pierotti, PPAN


“Urban Perspectives: inclusive tools to regenerate cities”
Curated by Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation
Valter Cavallaro, Architect Manager of Area Trasformazioni Periferie (Peripheries Transformations), Beni Comuni (Common Properties)  Torino Municipality
Annamaria Lorenzino, General Secretary Pinerolo Municipality

“Multi-actor urban regeneration processes and public programs: a path yet to be built”
Curated by Cariplo Foundation and FHS Social Housing Foundation
Simonetta Venosta, Urban Planning and Architecture Design, FHS Social Housing Foundation

“Towards an integrated approach”
Curated by the National Committee for Social Housing
Giordana Ferri, National Committee for Social Housing President, Executive Director FHS

“The design of the social housing between social demand and urban regeneration”
Curated by Federcasa
Alessandro Almadori, ATER Umbria

“Some reflections on the experiences presented”
Elena Marchigiani, Trieste University

“The experience of the United Kingdom”
Curated by Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation
Maurizio Bocconcino, Polytechnic of Turin

Greeting from the British Embassy representative
Bernardino Chiaia, Polytechnic of Turin and TNE Manager
“The Prince’s Foundation’s commitment for sustainable urban regeneration and community empowerment”
Ben Bolgar, Senior Design Director for Building Community, The Prince’s Foundation

Introduction to the working tables:
Doriana Piazza, Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation

Curators and speakers:
