An alternative mobility system for a more welcoming, attractive, accessible historic city

The intervention provides for the construction of two lines of mobility that, together with the central part already realized, completes the framework of accessibility to the historic center. The project includes the landscape insertion of the works respecting the morphological and typological characters of the contexts in which it is located.

The first section is located in an area of recent construction, Via della Liberazione, and penetration to the historic center dating back to the early ’80s and the site where the lift is located consists of an artificial cliff consisting of topsoil, which over time has been greened by…

The fil rouge of the urban regeneration of Andria: the landfill of the railway and the three new stations

The three projects, located in the urban areas of the stations, aim at the quality of living in the city, reconnecting the two fronts determined by the trench, under construction, overlaying or under-crossing the railway in several points designed for viability, bicycle and pedestrian paths, squares, public spaces, green areas, requalifying central and peripheral areas, ensuring the provision of housing, intermodality, walkability, cycling.

ARIA-Sustainable housing, Urban redevelopment, Infrastructure, Green areas -Andria North

WATER-Sustainable housing, Unions, Urban Quality, Green Areas -Andria Central

EARTH-Sustainable building transformations, Rurality, Renaturalization, Green areas-Andria South

Common objectives:

  • Increasing the availability of social housing with new subsidized housing, recovery of…


Alessandro Bruni, Iginio Rossi, INU – URBIT

INU, National Institute of Urban Planning, URBIT, Italian Urban Planning, and the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa, which provides the prize money of € 5,000, with the collaboration of MIC, CNR and Cerpa Italia Onlus have established the “Accessible Cities for All Award” for innovative master’s theses and research and studies developed in Italy and abroad on issues of accessibility at 360° carried out between 1.04.2020 and 30.09.2021.

The focus of the call is on urban areas (historical centres, suburbs, public spaces, buildings) and on the wider area (cities, rural areas, territories). Consideration is…


Iginio Rossi, Francesco Sbetti, INU-URBIT
in collaboration with FIAB – ComuniCiclabili

Il “Patto per l’urbanistica città accessibili a tutti” (urban planning agreement for cities accessible for all) is the experimentation that INU is developing with the cities of: Ancona, Genoa, Livorno, Mantua, Reggio Emilia, Spello, Taranto and Udine, as part of the 2019-2022 “Accessible cities for all” program (

Through a shared work, the 8 cities intend to: define and apply integrated solutions to improve the quality of life; implement a system of welfare measures, dispositions and services; offer their community competitive advantages related to accessibility and sustainability in alignment with Agenda 2030;…